Writing A Short Story: Ideating
YouthCreativityHow-toWriting...Part two of the challenge of writing your own short story.
Writing A Short Story: Introduction
YouthCreativityHow-toWriting...Part one of the challenge of writing your own short story.
The History Of Crocs
YouthCreativityLifeStyle...Whether you rock them all summer for their comfortable cushion-like feel or despise their awkward shape and bright colours, Crocs have an interesting history.
Intro To Poetry
YouthCreativityWritingEducation...What is poetry and what are the rules for writing your own?
The Magic Finger: Part 2
YouthBooksReadingRelationships...In this part the Greggs go hunting for ducks and the magic finger begins to take effect on them.
The Element Of Form
YouthArtCreativityDesign...Secrets of the Element of Form revealed - a fundamental concept for Art Education and Design Education.
The Element Of Space
YouthArtCreativityDesign...3D Space, Negative Space, White Space . . . secrets of the Element of Space revealed - a fundamental concept for Art Education and Design Education.
Intro To The Art Of Argument
YouthCreativityHow-toWriting...Learn about the literary device of argument.
The Element Of Texture
YouthCreativityDesignHow-to...Secrets of the Element of Texture revealed - an essential concept for Art Education and Design Education.
The Element Of Colour
YouthCreativityDesignArt...Secrets of the Element of Colour revealed - a fundamental concept of Art and Design Education.
When To Use A Question Mark Or Exclamation Mark
YouthCreativityGrammarHow-to...Learn when to use a question mark and when to use an exclamation point with this helpful video strategy.
How AI Art Could Enhance Humanity’s Collective Memory | Refik Anadol | TED
YouthLifeNatureTechnology...With data as his paintbrush, media artist Refik Anadol trains AI algorithms to visualize the disappearing wonders of nature. He gives a beautiful tour of his recent work -- imagery of artificial coral reefs, flowers, rainforests -- and ponders: Can we use AI to preserve our memories of the fading natural world?
How I Built My Prosthetic Arm With LEGO Bricks
YouthExperimentsTechnologyDisability...The genius engineering student was born without a right forearm, but now makes his own prosthetics using the creative power of LEGO bricks.
What Cake Can Teach Us About AI?
YouthScienceTechnologyArtificial Intelligence...How is artificial intelligence (AI) a lot like cake?
Neurographic Art
YouthArtCreativityHow-to...This mindful art making tutorial can help you find inner peace through art.