
Senses You Didn't Know You Have

KidsSensesAdventureKids 110...
Squeaks is heading on a trip around the world! He's going to experience so many things, using senses he didn't even know he has!

Benito The Giraffe

Benito the giraffe went on quite a journey across Mexico, from Central Park in Ciudad Juárez to Africam Safari Park in Puebla.

We're Going On A Sleigh Ride

Put on your coat, pick up your woolly hat, and join us for a festive sleigh ride!

Let's Go To The Beach

The beach is great place to enjoy a summer day and explore a new environment! Rhymington Square are having lots of fun at the beach together.

Adventure Cat: Bao Zi

Bao Zi was so anxious her parents decided she needed some adventure in her life. What they never expected was...she’d become a swimming fanatic!

Rescued: Puppy Flies To New Home

Meet Brandon, the fluffiest pup on earth who lived on the streets. Luckily, Eliana spotted this fluffball and immediately knew that he needed to come home with her.

How Airplanes Fly

As Squeaks continues to prepare for his big trip on a plane, he and Jessi learn the science behind how airplanes fly!

My First Time On An Airplane

Squeaks has never been on a plane before, and he's a little nervous about it. Let's learn what it's like to go through the airport and to be on an airplane.

How Animals Fly

As Squeaks continues to prepare for his big trip with Jessi, Mr. Brown helps him learn all about different kinds of wings and how they help animals and machines fly!

Germany: Skiing

Discover the world with Travel Kids!

Fire Towers

Charlie, Kirby, and Patrick spend the night in a fire tower in western Montana to learn how forest fires are spotted.

The Giant Heads of Easter Island for Kids

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is an isolated island off the coast of Chile with an amazing secret: hundreds and hundreds of giant stone heads

Kelp Forest

Charlie and his team take their cameras underwater to explore a kelp forest in California.

Canada: Waterfall

One of the natural wonders of the world.

Sequoia National Park

Kirby climbs to the top of a giant sequoia and spends the night.

Spanish Moss

Charlie and Kirby travel to Savannah, Georgia, where they learn all about Spanish moss.

Turkey: Hot Air Balloons

We're soaring to new heights. Discover the world with Travel Kids.

Peru: Machu Picchu

Discover the world with Travel Kids.

Cherry Blossom Festival

The Cherry Blossom Festival is a celebration of amazing flowering trees in Washington, D.C.

New Zealand: Maori

We had a blast with the Maori people. Discover the world with Travel Kids.

Petrified Forest National Park

Learn cool facts about petrified wood––like how it became fossilized and why it’s scattered in eastern Arizona.