table dinner

The table is being set for dinner.

Active Voice

In an active voice clause, the person or thing that does the action is called the agent of the verb. The person or thing that receives the action is called the object. When we put the agent in the position of the subject of the sentence it is called the Active Voice.

man cooking

Every Saturday, Peter makes lunch for his whole family.

mother and daughter

Susan was helping her grandmother.

man in a garden

Kevin will take care of the garden while his neighbours are away.

Passive Voice

In a passive voice clause, the agent and the object switch positions although their function is the same. Therefore, the sentence must contain at least one object in order for the Passive Voice to be possible. When we put the object in the position of the subject of the sentence, it is called the Passive Voice.

man cooking

Every Saturday, lunch is made by Peter for his whole family.

mother and daughter

Susan’s grandmother was being helped by Susan.

man in a garden

The garden will be taken care of by Kevin while his neighbours are away.

passive example

Usage of Passive Voice

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