Active and Passive

Passive sentences move the focus of the sentence from the subject to the object.

  • Someone stole my computer! (active)
  • My computer was stolen! (passive)

Possible reasons for using the passive are:

The agent is not important

  • The store was closed when I went. (who closed the store is not important)
  • I can't use the elevator because it is broken down. (what caused it to break down is not important)
  • I couldn't buy any tickets for the concert because it was sold out. (who sold all the tickets is not important)

The agent isn't known

  • His bicycle was stolen. (we do not know who stole the bicycle)
  • My living room window was broken when I got home yesterday. (we do not know who or what broke the window)
  • My bag has been taken. (we do not know who took my bag)

The agent is not needed or already understood

  • The criminal was arrested in front of the station. (of course, the police arrested the criminal)
  • Romeo and Juliet was written hundreds of years ago. (of course, Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet)
  • The subway is used quite a bit in this city. (of course, people use the subway)

Review - The Active and Passive Voices (Part 1)

Review - The Active and Passive Voices (Part 1)

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