Listen to these words and repeat to practice your pronunciation.

the accumulation of

similar compounds

lactic acid

painful burn

increases blood flow


Listen and read along to these sentences.

After a workout, why does your body hurt all over? When you work out a certain body part intensely, lactic acid accumulates inside your muscle. This is the same compound that is found in milk!

After a while, the lactic acid is removed from your body. The painful burn that persists is actually due to tiny tears you create in your muscle after you exercise it.

Since you actually injure your muscle after a work out, you need to give your body a chance to rest. Sleep and food are the two best fuels for your body to recover.

Doing lighter exercises afterwards such as swimming and yoga will increase the blood flow to your recovering muscles and help you recover faster too.

Practice reading those sentences aloud and record your voice or say the sentences out to your class.


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Work with a partner. Follow the instructions in the document.

