Listen to these words and repeat to practice your pronunciation.

one antenna

a pair of antennae

a set of pincers

one hoof

a set of hooves

fish gills

Listen and read along to these sentences.

When humans wander into animal territories, they have to be careful because they are walking into someone else's home.

A lot of animals that are used to people have gotten very brave. They're not scared of humans, and they know that humans usually have food around them!

What would you do if you were trapped by a bunch of wild animals? Do you know how to protect yourself in the wilderness?

A lot of animals that live around humans are smart and have figured out how to get things out of their human neighbours. Watch your lunch when you're in monkey territory!

Practice reading those sentences aloud and record your voice or say the sentences out to your class!


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Work with a partner. Follow the instructions in the document.

