
Where Can We Find Water?

Today, Jessi and Squeaks learn about all the places we can find water.

How Do We Taste Our Food?

Taste receptors in the mouth sense the five basic tastes: sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and savouriness. Let's find out how it all works!

The Science Behind The Colours Animals See

A team of researchers from the University of Sussex in the U.K. and George Mason University in the U.S. used a modified camera to record nature as it might be seen by other animals.

Your Immune System

Watch the video to learn how our immune system works and what are the three types of immunity that protect us each and every day.

Why Are Frogs So Colourful?

Join Squeaks as he learns about some of the most colourful animals ever: poison dart frogs!

Sense-Abilities | Weird But True!

Watch the full episode of Weird But True, Season 1 Episode 11, "Sense-Abilities"! Did you know that when you smell something, molecules of whatever you’re smelling are actually entering your nose?!

Panda Mother Teaches Cub To Eat Bamboo

Panda babies aren’t actually born with the essential stomach enzyme needed to break down bamboo. So, how do they eat it?

Exploring The Taiga Biome

Taiga biomes cover about 11% of the planet and contain about 1/3 of all trees on earth.

Discovering Dolphins

Dolphins are acrobats of the sea and are surprisingly similar to humans.

Cool Facts About Bats

Find out cool and creepy facts about bats—from how and where they live, to what they eat and how they talk to each other.

How Do Insect Eyes Work?

Jessi and Squeaks learn all about how dragonflies see - did you know they have thousands of eyes?!

Living And Nonliving Things

Living things are called organisms, and anything from a blue whale to a spot of mold can be a living organism!

Beetle - Amazing Animals

Beetles are the largest group of animals on Earth!