
How Ears Let Us Hear the World

In this episode, Squeaks learns about how humans (and a couple of other animal guests) hear.

Kinuk's Vet Visit

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Kinuk the polar bear took a once-in-a-lifetime journey from his home at the Quebec City Aquarium to the University Veterinary Hospital Centre.

Peekaboo Achoo!

Uh-oh! Peekaboo Cat has the sniffles! Sneeze along to the song, don't forget your hankie and to wash your hands!

How Do We Taste Our Food?

Taste receptors in the mouth sense the five basic tastes: sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and savouriness. Let's find out how it all works!

I Have A Loose Tooth

Having a loose tooth is a strange feeling, isn't it? Sing the loose tooth song with us!

Hey-O We Want To Play-O

Move your body with The Roundabouts! Dance and sing and celebrate sports!

Lost Baby Toucan

When a rescuer found a baby toucan lost in the jungle, he couldn't believe how much help the little guy needed.

How To Catch A Wild Wombat

Wilma the wombat has mange, which is pretty dangerous for animals. But how can Toby the rescuer get close enough to give him medicine?

Benito The Giraffe

Benito the giraffe went on quite a journey across Mexico, from Central Park in Ciudad Juárez to Africam Safari Park in Puebla.

Let's Get Our Eyes Checked

Come along with Caitie as she gets her eyes checked at the optometrist's office - that's a fancy word for eye doctor!

Your Immune System

Watch the video to learn how our immune system works and what are the three types of immunity that protect us each and every day.

Let's Learn Winter Sports

Join Caitie as she tries skiing, ice skating, and her favourite activity of all, snowshoeing.

Rescuing A Chicken In A Snowstorm

David had been a weatherman for a long time, but this was the first time he had seen a chicken lost in a snowstorm.

How Fitness Trackers Work

Kamri Noel wants to know: How do fitness trackers tell how many steps you’ve taken?

Fun Brain Breaks

Join the Kiboomers as they lead you through a series of energetic brain breaks that will get your little ones up and moving.

Scared Rescue Kitten

Bastet was found sacred and hurt but is on the road to recovery thanks to her rescuers.

Vaccinating Honeybees

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has approved the first-ever vaccine for honeybees in Canada.

All Better Muffin

Can we help Muffin, the baby sparrow, get all better?

Helping A Baby Penguin Hatch!

On Sept. 12, a female baby emperor penguin hatched at SeaWorld San Diego, but it needed a little help getting out of its egg.

A Little Spot Learns Kind Words

This book helps children learn how to use kind words when communicating with others.

Vitamins & Minerals

What exactly are vitamins and minerals? Let's find out!