
This Animal Lays Eggs AND Has Live Young

You might think that an animal either lays eggs or has live young. But these species prove it's a lot more complicated than that.

Watch this Octopus Devour Crabs as It Jumps in the Water

Octopuses are amazing creatures and use some of the most fascinating techniques to capture their prey.

Why fish are better at breathing than you are - Dan Kwartler

Explore how fish use their gills to breathe, and how these processes make them some of the most efficient breathers on Earth.

Why Monkeys Can Only Count To Four

There’s an island in the Caribbean where David used to perform magic tricks for monkeys.

These Iguanas Have An Unusual Mating Tactic

Crested iguanas were discovered on Fiji in 1979, and since then we've learned a lot about their behaviour, including their strange mating rituals. But how exactly did they end up on such a remote island in the first place?

Dalmatian Puppy Learns to Enjoy Human Contact

Dexter the Dalmatian gets daily massages to help him associate pleasure with the touch and smell of a human. He also meets Irish Setter Molly for the first time, to get used to meeting unfamiliar dogs.

What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color

How jumping spiders reveal an entire secret world of colors. Let BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you - all from the comfort of your own home.

Enter the Kingdom of the Great Apes with National Geographic

Prepare to enter the kingdom of the incredible species of great apes. "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" is now playing only in theaters.

What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color

How jumping spiders reveal an entire secret world of colors.

Labrador Puppy Befriends 2-Year-Old Rescue Dog

Dolly, a fox-red Labrador pup must befriend her owner's boyfriend's dog – a rescue named Bert, who values his space.

Real-Life Spider Shoots Web 25 Metres Long!

Which marvel of nature can build a 25m orb web with a silk that ranks as the world's toughest natural fibre? The answer is the Darwin's bark spider.

Protecting the Queendoms

Female leaders will stop at nothing to protect their empires! Animal queens across the globe and under the sea must remain fierce to ensure the survival of themselves and their lineage.

Lioness sisters fend off an intruding lion to protect their cubs | QUEENS

Shani and her sisters must fend off the intruding male lion before he kills her cubs.

Musk Oxen Vs Arctic Wolves | Animal Super Parents | BBC Earth

In the Arctic tundra, a herd of musk ox are up against a pack of hungry wolves. Will the parents successfully protect their calves from the predators?

Inside the Illegal Ape Trade | Trafficked: Underworlds with Mariana van Zeller

Mariana van Zeller follows the ruthless and heartbreaking business of the illegal trade of wild apes. But amidst the darkness, she encounters a beacon of hope – Congolese activists fighting tirelessly to protect these apes from vanishing forever.

Hyena Clan Attacks Baby Elephant | Savanna Queens | National Geographic

The Elephant herd fights with the hyena clan before they can take baby Binti as a midnight snack.

The Unique Bond Between Humans and Dogs | Wonderful World of Puppies | BBC Earth

Newborn puppies express their emotions through various tummy grunts and whines, creating a unique bond with their owner.

Weird Things Animals Do During Eclipses

For centuries, humans have reported animals freaking out during solar eclipses, like birds falling from the sky and bees hiding in their hives, but the animals most affected by eclipses might be us.

Baby Tamarin Tries to Escape Ocelot

An ocelot is only twice the size of a house cat, but to these tiny tamarins it's a giant. It could kill each of them with a single bite!

What the biggest brain on Earth can do - David Gruber and Shane Gero

Explore how sperm whales use an array of complex vocalizations to communicate with each other, hunt, and assess their surroundings.

Why Don't Electric Eels Shock Themselves?

Electric eels can emit some of the largest shocks in the animal kingdom - but why don't they shock themselves?