
These Countries Are Cheating

Adults Global Warming
By overcounting how much carbon their forests suck up, and undercounting how much carbon their industries release, countries undercount their total carbon emissions.

Watch A Free-Diver Rescue This Entangled Whale Shark

Adults Global Warming
A Hawaiian family spotted this whale shark while free-diving off the coast of Lanai. First, they were excited about the rare sighting of the 20-foot-long endangered shark.

97% of Climate Scientists Really Do Agree

Adults Global Warming
Do 97% of climate scientists really agree that humans are the main cause of climate change? Yep! Here's what the 97 percent statistic *really* means.

What Could Survive An Atomic Bomb?

Adults Global Warming
Modern weapons are vastly more powerful than the relatively small bomb, so fewer cockroaches would survive today's nukes.

British Diver Exposes Sea Of Plastic Rubbish Off Bali Coast

Adults Global Warming
The ocean currents brought us in a lovely gift of a slick of jellyfish, plankton, leaves, branches, fronds, sticks, etc.... Oh, and some plastic.

How long will human impacts last? - David Biello

Adults Global Warming
Imagine aliens land on Earth a million years from now. What will these curious searchers find of us? They will find what geologists, scientists, and other experts are increasingly calling the Anthropocene, or new age of mankind. David Biello explains how the impacts that humans have made have become so pervasive, profound, and permanent that some geologists believe we merit our own epoch.

The Nuclear Waste Problem

Adults Global Warming
Nuclear energy is one of the cleanest, most efficient, and most available sources of power on earth.

This Engineer's Crazy Plan to Clean Air with Smog-Sucking Bikes

Adults Global Warming
These bicycles are designed to filter smog out of the air as you ride. This could be a game changer for smoggy cities like Beijing.

An Asteroid Didn't Kill the Dinosaurs, Here's a New Theory About What Did

Adults Global Warming
A new scientific model has discovered what actually happened to the earth after the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs.

The science of smog - Kim Preshoff

Adults Global Warming
On July 26, 1943, Los Angeles was blanketed by a thick gas that stung people's eyes and blocked out the Sun. Panicked residents believed their city had been attacked using chemical warfare. But the cloud wasn't an act of war. It was smog. So what is this thick gray haze actually made of? And why does it affect some cities and not others? Kim Preshoff details the science behind smog.

How to Fix Traffic Forever

Adults Global Warming
More lines = more traffic

The Man Who Has Inseminated Over 1,000 Honeybees | Amazing Humans

Adults Global Warming
The bee population has dropped dramatically and Michael Waite is taking matters into his own hands with a scheme to inseminate Queen bees.

How does fracking work? - Mia Nacamulli

Adults Global Warming
Deep underground lie stores of once-inaccessible natural gas. There's a technology, called hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," that can extract this natural gas, potentially powering us for decades to come. So how does fracking work and why is it a source of such heated controversy? Mia Nacamulli explains the ins and outs of fracking.

Superblocks: How Barcelona is taking city streets back from cars

Adults Global Warming
Modern cities are designed for cars. But the city of Barcelona is testing out an urban design trick that can give cities back to pedestrians.

Why there are twice as many solar jobs as coal jobs

Adults Global Warming
America is changing how it gets its energy, and coal is losing out.

Tesla's Model 3 is coming in July - here's everything you need to know

Adults Global Warming
Tesla is gearing up for the big reveal of the Model 3, its first mass-market car. CEO Elon Musk unveiled the car in March of 2016, but Tesla will show off the production version of the sedan in July. The summer premiere will offer the roughly 400,000 customers who preordered the vehicle a chance to see the final version before deliveries begin at the end of the year.

Wait... Is China Really the Leader in Green Energy?

Adults Global Warming
With plans to pull out of the Paris climate deal, the US is quickly falling behind in the race for clean energy. So who's winning?