
Do You Have a Free Will?

Adults Self
Take control over what occupies your mind with Ground News.

How to know if you're being selfish (and whether or not that's bad) - Mark Hopwood

Adults Self
Explore a classic philosophical debate and decide: is it human nature to be selfish? And if so, is it possible to overcome it?

How to overcome your mistakes

Adults Self
Explore what prevents us from learning from our failures, and how to become more resilient through cultivating a growth mindset.

How Did Life Begin? (Evolutionary History): Crash Course Biology #16

Adults Self
Humans may have been around for a long time, but life has existed for way longer. In this episode of Crash Course Biology, we’ll journey through deep time to uncover the history of life on Earth.

How Everyday Interactions Shape Your Future

Adults Self
A few words can change the course of a life; they have the power to shrink, expand or transform someone's identity -- even your own. Social psychologist Mesmin Destin explores how everyday interactions and experiences play a powerful part in who we become, sharing the key moments and messages that can inspire us to grow into our best selves.

how to discover your dream career

Adults Self
Choosing a career is such a stressful endeavour... I still struggle with it every day. But this is the exercise that has helped me get more clarity about what I want to do in life.

Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality | Brian Little

Adults Self
What makes you, you? Psychologists like to talk about our traits, or defined characteristics that make us who we are.

The Actual Reason Men Die First

Adults Self
Because females often outlive males, behavior is often blamed - but there is a decent chance our sex chromosomes might be to blame instead.

Your Mental Health in College

Adults Self
There is a lot of stress and anxiety around college, whether you're fresh out of high school or you've decided to go back to school years later.

Choosing a Specialization | Crash Course | How to College

Adults Self
Now that we have a better grasp on chosing majors, let's talk a little about specializations. There's a lot to talk about, from declaring a minor to just taking electives that help you get an edge in the job market.

Productivity Tips | Easy Ways to Get Into The Work / Study Zone

Adults Self
Want more study tips? Watch my new YouTube series "Student Optimisation" here!

What If You Didn't Wear Your Seatbelt? ft. TheOdd1sOut

Adults Self
Wear your dang seatbelt or James will be mad!

What If You Never Changed Your Sheets?

Adults Self
Let's be honest, we probably haven't changed our sheets in a while.

How To Tell If You Smell - Quick And Easy Test

Adults Self
Are people starting to avoid you at all costs and you're not sure why? Maybe it's something about you that you can't pick up on. Maybe it's your smell. It's your stinky, sweaty smell making it so that others can't breathe? In today's funny video we're going to give you some life hacks to keeping from stinking.

How To Kick Out The Cold With This Cold Buster Tonic • Tasty

Adults Self
Stock up on this cold buster remedy so it’s ready to work its magic when you need it most!

How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes

Adults Self
Adam Leipzig has overseen more than 25 movies as a producer, executive and distributor.

How to spot a pyramid scheme - Stacie Bosley

Adults Self
Learn the techniques and tricks that pyramid schemes use to recruit new members and how to avoid being fooled yourself.