
The Lightning Capital

Kids Weather
Find out more about Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, also known as The Lightning Capital of The World!

The Driest Places On Earth

Kids Weather
In this SciShow Kids episode, Jessi and Squeaks learn about amazing places where it almost never rains.

The Windiest Places On Earth

Kids Weather
Jessi and Squeaks explore two of the windiest places on Earth: Mount Washington in New Hampshire, USA, and Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica.


Kids Weather
If you think it's cold outside where you are, you should try living in the coldest place on Earth: Antarctica! Learn why it's a desert even though it's very cold, and about awesome animals like seals and penguins.

Rescuing A Chicken In A Snowstorm

Kids Weather
David had been a weatherman for a long time, but this was the first time he had seen a chicken lost in a snowstorm.

The Science Of Ice Skating

Kids Weather
In this episode, Jessi and her friends at The Fort learn about the physics behind all the slippery fun you can have on the ice.

I Love Shovelling The Snow

Kids Weather
Caitie turns shovelling snow into a musical party.

Is There Weather On The Moon?

Kids Weather
Is there weather on the Moon? Yes, but not the weather you’re used to.