How Sand Mining Destroys One Home to Build Another
AdultsConstructionEducationEnvironment...As Singapore dredges sand out from beneath Cambodia’s mangroves one woman is faced with the erasure of her beloved home.
Primitive Technology: Fired Clay Bricks
AdultsConstructionCreativityNature...Creating fired clay bricks from scratch.
How Do White Walkers Shatter Swords?
AdultsConstructionMediaScience...For Game of Thrones fans winter is finally here, and with it comes the long foreshadowed White Walkers. These foes have proven to be a dangerous threat for many reasons, but one of the biggest is their seeming imperviousness to the average weapons of the Seven Kingdoms.
Why Machines That Bend Are Better
AdultsConstructionEducationScience...Compliant mechanisms have lots of advantages over traditional devices. SimpliSafe is awesome security. It's really effective, easy to use, and the price is great.
The Problem With Concrete
AdultsCitiesConstructionHuman...This video is in partnership with Bill and Melinda Gates.
Build Tree House In Wild To Avoid Wildlife
AdultsConstructionCreativityHuman...Today We Build a Tree House In the Wild to Avoid Wildlife.
Primitive Technology: Stone Yam planters
AdultsConstructionCreativityNature...Primitive Technology: Stone Yam planters - Creating Stone planters for Yams from scratch.
Primitive Technology: Pit and chimney furnace
AdultsConstructionCreativityNature...While I’m working on other projects I’ll put up this video of an experimental furnace I built that operates by natural draft and uses charcoal as a fuel.
Will Your Country Be The First To Sink?
AdultsConstructionIndustryLife...Sea levels are rising, but what does that mean for where you live? What does that mean for the world?
How to Build a Dyson Sphere
AdultsConstructionDesignHuman...If humans want to expand into space, it will take us incredible amounts of energy. How do we do that?
Build An Underground Home
AdultsConstructionCreativityDesignBuild a shelter using ancient traditional building techniques.
How rollercoasters affect your body - Brian D. Avery
AdultsConstructionDesignScience...In 1895, crowds flooded Coney Island to see America’s first-ever looping coaster: the Flip Flap Railway. But its thrilling flip caused cases of severe whiplash, neck injury and even ejections.
What if cracks in concrete could fix themselves?
AdultsConstructionScienceTechnology...Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. It can be found in swathes of city pavements, bridges that span vast rivers and the tallest skyscrapers on earth.
Finding Groundwater
AdultsConstructionEnvironmentI have been searching for groundwater in my old village for the last three months. Unfortunately, my old Village was destroyed by a flood, now we are trying to find groundwater in my new village.
Build Hobbit house
AdultsConstructionCreativityNature...Today I Build a Hobbit house and I am planning to grow grass on the roof.
See How Termites Inspired a Building That Can Cool Itself
AdultsBiotechnologyCitiesConstructionHow do you cool a building without air conditioning?
Primitive Technology: Wood shed and Native bee honey
AdultsConstructionNatureDIYIt has been raining here quite a bit in what should normally be the dry season. The wattle and daub hut is standing up well despite this (see video).
Primitive Technology: Blower and charcoal
AdultsConstructionNatureDIY...I made a blower and some charcoal at the new area in order to create higher temperatures in for advancing my material technology.
Primitive Technology: Round hut
AdultsConstructionNatureI built a round hut using palm thatch and mud walls to replace the damaged A-frame hut built a few months ago.