Which Animal Can Hear The Best?
YouthAnimalsFactsNatureScience... Explore the extraordinary auditory adaptations in the animal kingdom, and find out which creature has the best hearing.
A Breathtaking Swarm of 100 Million Butterflies | Earth's Great Seasons | BBC Earth
AdultsAnimalsLifeNature Deep in the forests of Mexico, millions of monarch butterflies spend their winter sheltered from the cold. Once spring arrives, it is time for them to awaken and take to the skies, in what is truly an amazing spectacle.
This Animal Lays Eggs AND Has Live Young
AdultsAnimalsLifeNatureBiology... You might think that an animal either lays eggs or has live young. But these species prove it's a lot more complicated than that.
Watch this Octopus Devour Crabs as It Jumps in the Water
AdultsAnimalsLifeNature Octopuses are amazing creatures and use some of the most fascinating techniques to capture their prey.
Lost Baby Toucan
KidsAnimalsHealthNatureWildlife... When a rescuer found a baby toucan lost in the jungle, he couldn't believe how much help the little guy needed.
Why fish are better at breathing than you are - Dan Kwartler
AdultsAnimalsBiologyHumanScience... Explore how fish use their gills to breathe, and how these processes make them some of the most efficient breathers on Earth.
These Iguanas Have An Unusual Mating Tactic
AdultsAnimalsLifeNatureBiology... Crested iguanas were discovered on Fiji in 1979, and since then we've learned a lot about their behaviour, including their strange mating rituals. But how exactly did they end up on such a remote island in the first place?
The Unique Bond Between Humans And Dogs
YouthAnimalsHumanRelationshipsPets... Whilst some puppies are in tune with their humans, 18-week-old Willoughby – the miniature schnauzer – has other ideas...
A Very Colourful Release
YouthAnimalsHistoryNature After some time in care, recovering at the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital it is finally time to release some lorikeets back to the wild.
Dalmatian Puppy Learns to Enjoy Human Contact
AdultsAnimalsHumanNaturePetsHealth... Dexter the Dalmatian gets daily massages to help him associate pleasure with the touch and smell of a human. He also meets Irish Setter Molly for the first time, to get used to meeting unfamiliar dogs.
What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color
AdultsAnimalsLifeScienceBiology... How jumping spiders reveal an entire secret world of colors. Let BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you - all from the comfort of your own home.
Enter the Kingdom of the Great Apes with National Geographic
AdultsAnimalsLifeNature Prepare to enter the kingdom of the incredible species of great apes. "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" is now playing only in theaters.