
Jack C. Richards on Professional Development for ESL/ELT Professionals

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In this video, Jack discusses professional development for ELT/ESL professionals.

The Everyday Language Learner Interview Series: Stephen Krashen

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Dr. Krashen is perhaps best know for the general theory of second language acquisition.

The future of global English - coping with culture

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This talk was given by David Crystal for The English-Speaking Union annual lecture, in partnership with the British Council. There is a widely held view that one of the consequences of the rise of English as a world language is global intelligibility. However, at the level of everyday communication, cultural differences between the countries that use English often present a barrier to understanding. The talk illustrates some of the conversational cross-purposes that have taken place, and discusses the kind of cultural awareness all English speakers need to have when they interact with others on a global scale.


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Scott Thornbury's history of second language acquisition (SLA) in a nutshell. A lot of great ideas.

Steven Pinker on Language Pragmatics

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Steven Pinker talks about Language Pragmatics and how language is learned through context.

Learn English Apps

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Check out these excellent apps for your mobile device of choice!

Louis Rogers - Academic Vocabulary

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The four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking have dominated the EAP classroom for many years; however in the last decade academic word lists has given much greater prominence to vocabulary teaching. This talk will give an overview of some of the main studies into creating Academic Word Lists and look at the impact of vocabulary knowledge of skills such as reading.

The benefits of Extensive Reading

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Professor Richard Day, Chair and Co-founder of the Extensive Reading Foundation, explains the benefits to language learners of extensive reading.

Repetition in ELT

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Author Scott Thornbury talking about the use of Repetition in English language teaching.

Spelling Takes Work With New Words

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Do you ever wonder how many times students should copy new words? Here are two articles that dive into the issue. The articles provide suggestions and strategies for learning to spell new words.

National Geographic "Listen & Read" Resources

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National Geographic has several simple non-fiction "Listen & Read" stories, great for language learners to use in class or at home.

How To Create Alphabet Books

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A quick tool that teachers can show students how to use so they can practice new vocabulary words with this alphabet organizer.

Top 7 Board Games to Learn English While Having Fun

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Learning English in fun ways can be a challenge for teachers, using board games can create a fun and positive learning environment while increasing vocabulary and other skills. Remember to choose a game that is right for your students.

Grow ELL Vocabulary

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If you teach English-language learners, you know what a challenge it an be to keep vocabulary instruction fresh and engaging. The link will take you a list of shared teacher favourites for growing ELL vocabulary.

Creating Materials For ELL's and ESL

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The article, "Technologically and linguistically adventurous EFL teacher" written by Sandy Millin shares ideas on how to create material for your students. She offers tips and techniques to building your own resources along with extra tools to experiment with.

How to Greatly Improve Your English Pronunication

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Learning to pronounce English words correctly can be one of the hardest parts of learning English. Languages have different sounds that other languages may not have, so learners will have to learn how to make completely new sounds.

ESL/ ELL Error Correction- Yes, No or Maybe?

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Teachers must decide whether or not to offer correction in every class. Appropriate correction and feedback is a staple of the ESL, ELL, and EFL classroom, just the same as activities and drills are. Too much and too little correction can hinder results.

Skip the Worksheets! 5 Grammar Games to Play Instead

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Five great grammar focused games to play instead of traditional worksheets. Keep the classroom balanced and your students active at the same time.

Literacy Through Photography for English-Language Learners

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Paulo Freier encouraged a broader definition of literacy to include the ability to understand both "the word and the world". Literacy includes reading, writing, listening, speaking and analyzing a wide range of texts that include both print and non-print texts.

Understanding the Errors of Arabic Speaking ELL's- using Slide Share

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Take a look at Slide Share and there collections of various slide shows. This slide show includes a side by side comparisons of Arabic and English, along with illustrations to understand the mistakes of your Arabic language learners.

14 Weird Words That Literally Contradict themselves

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Contronyms are words which have two more or less opposite meanings. The word is a contronym; it can mean hit, as in hitting someone, or it can mean miss, as used in baseball.