
The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics

A huge thank you to those who helped us understand different aspects of this complicated topic - Dr. Ashmeet Singh, Supriya Krishnamurthy, Dr. Jos Thijssen, Dr. Bijoy Bera, Dr. Timon Idema, Álvaro Bermejillo Seco and Dr. Misha Titov.

How This Guy Became The Best Rock Skipper On The Planet | Obsessed | WIRED

Kurt Steiner is record holding champion stone skipper—and a master of the physics that underpin the sport. A labor of love that's evolved into a world-class passion, see where Kurt harvests his preferred rocks, the qualities he seeks in them, and each factor he considers in order to throw like a pro.

Forces And Motion

This video will explain what force and motion are, what their relationship is to each other, and what relationship there is between force, mass, and acceleration.

The “afterlife” according to Einstein’s special relativity

Sabine Hossenfelder discusses the physics of… dead grandmothers?

Crash Course Physics Preview

It's time! Crash Course Physics is coming soon and here is your introduction to our host for this series, Dr. Shini Somara. You can find out more about her linked below!

Planes Lift

This song takes us through the science of flight.

The Boltzmann Paradox

How do you know you’re a person rather than a just-formed brain full of artificial memories?

Brian Cox Explains Quantum Mechanics In 60 seconds

British physicist Brian Cox explains the rules of quantum mechanics in just a minute.

How Electricity Actually Works

Electricity is related to magnetism, both being part of the phenomenon of electromagnetism...

Have You Ever Seen An Atom?

Scientists at the University of California Los Angeles have found a way to create stunningly detailed 3D reconstructing of platinum nanoparticles at an atomic scale.

Scientists Reveal How Time Travel Is Actually Possible

Is it actually possible to travel through time? Scientists say "Yes", but what does that actually mean?

Can you solve the Big Bang riddle? - James Tanton

It’s moments after the Big Bang and you’re still reeling. You’re a particle of matter, amidst a chaotic stew of forces, fusion, and annihilation.

What are gravitational waves? - Amber L. Stuver

In September 2015, scientists witnessed something never seen before: two black holes colliding. Both about 30 times as big as our Sun, they had been orbiting each other for millions of years. A fraction of a second before the crash, they sent a vibration across the universe at the speed of light that was picked up by the LIGO detector. So what are these ripples in space? Amber L. Stuver explains.

How Distant Galaxies Mess With Our Lives

Tiny particles from distant galaxies have caused plane accidents, election interference and game glitches. This video is sponsored by Brilliant.

How Does A Carburetor Work?

Air flows into the top of the carburetor from the car's air intake, passing through a filter that cleans it of debris..

The Ultimate Guide to Black Holes

If you want to continue thinking about black holes a tad more, you can do so by getting one of the many black hole related things the Kurzgesagt team made with love:

Why no one has measured the speed of light

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Physics students learn the speed of light, c, is the same for all inertial observers but no one has ever actually measured it in one direction.

Do You Expand With The Universe?

As the universe expands, is said to "stretch" photons. But if it stretches photons, does it also stretch molecules, galaxies and you? A portion of this video was sponsored by Salesforce.

Why Gravity is NOT a Force

The General Theory of Relativity tells us gravity is not a force, gravitational fields don't exist.

What makes volcanoes erupt? - Steven Anderson

Dig into the science of how new volcanoes form, and what causes their unpredictable eruptions.

Turbulent Flow is MORE Awesome Than Laminar Flow

Everyone loves laminar flow but turbulent flow is the real MVP.