Virtual Halloween Games For All Ages
TeachersHumorTeacher CafeTechnology...Here are 10 FUN Virtual Halloween Games for all to play on your Halloween Virtual Party! These easy online games or activities are perfect for all kinds of virtual calls.
What Does Winning & Losing Really Do To You? ft. WolfeyVGC
AdultsHumanPsychologyScience...Monsters of the Pocket is everyone's favorite franchise!
Throwback: Elon Musk With First 2008 Tesla Roadster - Jay Leno’s Garage
AdultsAutomotiveCreativityMedia...We take a look into our archives at a younger Jay Leno and Elon Musk and see Jay's first impressions of Tesla's first production car!
The Addams Family Trailer
AdultsFilmListeningEntertainmentAn animated version of Charles Addams' series of cartoons about a peculiar, ghoulish family.
Carbonara & Tunes | Jamie Oliver & Tom Walker
AdultsFamilyFilmFood...In the final part of the mini series with Tom Walker, Jamie couldn’t resist cooking up one of his, and the audiences favourite dishes - authentic Italian Carbonara! But in exchange Tom offered up a brilliant and exclusive song, just for you guys!
How Do White Walkers Shatter Swords?
AdultsConstructionMediaScience...For Game of Thrones fans winter is finally here, and with it comes the long foreshadowed White Walkers. These foes have proven to be a dangerous threat for many reasons, but one of the biggest is their seeming imperviousness to the average weapons of the Seven Kingdoms.
April Fool's Day
TeachersEducationMathTeacher Cafe...April Fool's Day is the perfect time to play some light-hearted pranks on your friends, family, and co-workers; and if you’re a teacher, pulling an unexpected fast one on your students can be entertaining -- and memorable -- for everyone.
How to Defeat Wolverine with Science
AdultsCreativityHumanScience...From Superman to the Hulk, there are many indestructible comic book characters, but Wolverine is arguably the most scientifically interesting.
Can You Lift Thor's Hammer in Space?
AdultsCreativityCultureScience...Only those are are worthy can lift Thor's might hammer, Mjolnir, but the Avengers' argument takes on a whole new meaning in space! So could anyone lift it there? Kyle talks weightless magic on this week's Because Science!
Binging with Babish: Cailles en Sarchophage from Babette's Feast
AdultsCreativityFoodFilm...In the 1987 holy grail for film-foodies and old-people-staring-at-things-wistfully enthusiasts, Babette's Feast, some highfalutin dishes are prepared for some haughty aristocrats. Twirl your handlebar mustache, throw on your dinner habit, and try your best not to say aloud how delicious everything is.
Kids Describe Scary Monsters
AdultsArtCreativityEntertainmentKids Describe is back with Koji the Illustrator! In this episode, kids describe their version of a monster! Check it out!