Iryna speaks about her experience taking Smrt IELTS in Vancouver.
AdultsEducationLanguageCulture...Iryna took two months of Smrt IELTS preparation at the Canadian College of English Language. Many students who are in the last one or two years of their secondary school take an IELTS course to prepare for entrance into university.
The Infinite Stories of Hinduism: Crash Course Religions #5
AdultsHistoryHumanCulture...What does it mean to be Hindu? In this episode of Crash Course Religions, we’ll learn about the surprising history of the term “Hindu,” what the word “karma” really means, and how this vast, sprawling tradition contains more than one version of a story.
What's the Difference Between Cults and Religion?: Crash Course Religions #3
AdultsHistoryHumanReligion...What is a cult? How are cults different from religions? And why do many religious scholars say we shouldn’t even use that label? In this episode of Crash Course Religions, we’ll learn why the line between cults and religions is much fuzzier than it seems.
Lilly writes about her dream to live in Vancouver
AdultsEducationBusinessCulture..."After my training in International Trade I got a better job and could exercise all the content learned in College. I recommend the program for those who want to learn not only theory but to practice in their chosen profession. I realized one of my dreams which is living and working in Vancouver!" Lilly (International Trade)
Animal Spotlight: Working Cats
KidsAnimalsRelationshipsWork...Meet Lucky and Buster, two special rescue cats that found their purrfect careers.
Wagner writes about how the he worked and studied in Vancouver
AdultsEducationBusinessCulture..."The hospitality program at Canadian College opened doors for my future in the industry. The diploma allowed me to study and gain practical experience, complementing my previous education in Brazil. The faculty and staff were always supportive."
Animal Spotlight: Luna
KidsAnimalsHumorRelationships...Luna is obsessed with her stuffed toy donuts — she absolutely must take one on every walk.
Fallout's Cold Fusion Problem
AdultsEducationScienceTechnology...Was #Fallout’s “artifact” really worth transporting a severed head across the wasteland?