
Best Animal Friends: Horses & Company

Join us to see if some shy horses can find their best friends and if Remy the dog can win over his new horse buddy.

The Magic Finger: Part 3

In part 3 the Greggs learn how to live with their transformation.

Scared Rescue Kitten

Bastet was found sacred and hurt but is on the road to recovery thanks to her rescuers.

The Magic Finger: Part 2

In this part the Greggs go hunting for ducks and the magic finger begins to take effect on them.

Best Animal Friends: Birds & Company

A collection of videos showing sweet birds and their strange and wonderful best friends.

Benji The Adventure Dog

Benji the dog can do it all as long as he’s got his dad by his side.

Anti-Bullying Week

KidsHumanMental HealthSelf...
Charlie was bullied at school but has tried his negative experiences into something positive for other children.

Guard Dog Fish!

Elvis is a loyal underwater puppy pal, guarding his best friend, a human, with all his fishy might.

Best Animal Friends: Daisy And Modjadji

Daisy the rhino and Modjadji the zebra do everything together. But before they were besties, they each needed a BIG rescue.

Best Animal Friends: IHOP And Waffles

IHOP, a two-legged pup, makes friends with Waffles, a big Great Dane!

Clownfish Teamwork

A family of saddleback clownfish have found an excellent home, however, they need a place to lay their eggs.

Best Animal Friends: Mila And Turbo Roo

This kitten's best friend showed her how to swim!

Henry The Stick-Loving Dog

Sir Henry’s dreams have come true as he's found the most perfect stick in the world!

Best Animal Friends: Champagne And Remy

Champagne the horse is so scared of people! Her rescuer, Emily, needs to help her trust humans again.

Sigrid The Cycling Cat

Sigrid the cat loves riding her bike around London with her dad.

Best Animal Friends: Lilo And Winnie

Lilo the kitten was just rescued from a barrel full of water! Her rescuer, Kyle, scooped her up and brought her home to get her feeling better again.

Best Animal Friends: Teton & Phantom

Teton the horse was very scared when he first came to the rescue stables with a hurt hoof, but with Phantom by his side, Teton calmed down enough to let the rescuers fix his hoof.

Animal Best Friends: Sad Boy & Lola

Meet Sad Boy and Lola. Two adorable cats who have an instant love connection.

The Best Way To Apologize

Explore what to do— and not to do— in order to deliver an authentic apology and make amends in a variety of situations.

This Is The Way We Make Friends

Practice making friends with the Super Simple Puppets.

Egbert The Friendly Octopus

Meet Egbert! He's just your average octopus, except for one surprising thing. His best friend is a human!