Blogging With Students
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationSocial MediaA step by step giuide that help teachers set up and learn the process of blogging with your class. The site has several helpful tips and videos to show how to move through each step. Start blogging with your class today!
The Complete Guide to Snapchat for Teachers and Parents
TeachersTeacher CafeTechnologyEducation...Snapchat is a video messaging and sharing application where users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings and send them to specific recipients. In order to better understand the uses of Snapchat, check out the complete guides for teachers and parents to make the most of the experience.
How to Use Social Media to Strengthen Student Writing
TeachersTeacher CafeWritingEducation...The more we write, the better we become as writers. Social media can be a tool where students are encouraged to use their creativity combined with personal expression to improve and strengthen their writing. Blogging, Twitter and Instagram are a few outlets which can be used to strengthen student writing.
This Is How Social Media Is Made To Be Addicting
AdultsAddictionSocial MediaCould constantly being on sites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram be considered a real addiction?
Is Your Phone Listening To You?
AdultsInternet CultureMachine LearningSocial MediaFeel like your phone is spying on you? Find out if it's real!
Do You Hear "Yanny" or "Laurel"? (SOLVED with SCIENCE)
AdultsHumanInternet CultureSocial Media...Yanny vs. Laurel audio illusion solved! PHEW FINALLY!
The Bullwhip || Mail with Mike
AdultsHumorInternet CultureSocial Media...This week I unboxed a Ukelele, a pasta maker and a bullwhip. Thanks to Jack for hand making this. I set about learning how to crack it.
The Paralysed Beauty Blogger Inspiring Others With Her Beauty Tips | Living Differently
AdultsDisabilityInternet CultureSocial MediaTess Daly is completely paralyzed but she has gained tens of thousands of followers online because of the amazing make up she can apply with the limited movement in her hand.
How to make 'cloud eggs' - Instagram's newest obsession
AdultsFoodInternet CultureSocial Media...Instagram has changed the way we think about food. Food trends like Starbucks' Unicorn Frappuccino have people lining up to get the newest, prettiest food products, just for that photo opportunity. If you're looking for your next Instagram food post, look no further than the newest trend, "cloud eggs." Here's how to make them.
Facts You Never Knew!
AdultsInternet CultureSocial MediaFacts...Creepy Halloween facts you never knew!
How false news can spread
AdultsSocial MediaInternet CultureSocietyIn previous decades, most news with global reach came from several major newspapers and networks with the resources to gather information directly. The speed with which information spreads now, however, has created the ideal conditions for something called circular reporting.
This Guy's Voice Does Not Match His Age
AdultsCreativityInternet CultureSocial Media...How do all of those deep voices come out of his face?!
How YouTube is Like a Potato
AdultsFilmInternet CultureSocial Media...Do we need more diversity in online video?
What Colour Is This Dress?
AdultsInternet CultureScienceSocial Media...Solved with science for the sake of the human race!!
Ed Sheeran - Wayfaring Stranger
AdultsMusicSoftware EngineeringTechnology...Using an app on the Iphone named "Voice Jam" my friend just busted out singing in my garage! i thought it was amazing and so did many other people that I have showed this video to. Just want to see you what you, YouTube viewers think of him, so if you like it Like and Subscribe and there will be more Covers soon! Tell me what you guys n gals think about it!
It's Time To Put Down Your Phone And Evaluate Your Social Life
AdultsInternet CulturePhilosophySocial Media...This video called "Can We Auto-Correct Humanity" reminds you of the impacts of technology.
5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now
AdultsLifeSocial MediaSociety...Multi-tasking is actually bad for you when you use social media? Learn why.
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - Canadian College of English Language
AdultsHealthInternet CultureSocial Media...Spokane College of English Language we accept your challenge! Canadian College of English Language challenges Club ESL, students and teachers of CCEL, CEB Mexico and Justin Trudeau to do the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Friend or stranger?
AdultsRelationshipsSocial MediaSociety...One Saturday in a bar, we set out to see if we could convince five strangers we were old friends... just using information anyone could find online.
How Google responds to government search warrants
AdultsBusinessJusticeSocial Media...How Google responds to search warrants, while working hard to protect our users' privacy and security. Learn more about how we handle requests.