Ksenia speaks about her experience studying Hospitality at the Canadian College
AdultsSmrt PathwayEducationBusiness...Ksenia studied Hospitality Management at the Canadian College in 2011. She is now living in Vancouver and working at a local hotel chain as a banquet server.
Liliane's Experience Working and Studying in Canada
AdultsSmrt PathwayEducationBusiness...Liliane speaks about her experience at Canadian College of English Language and her plan to study the International Trade Diploma at the Canadian College.
The Tongass National Forest
YouthEnvironmentTravelWorld...As Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell traverse over 2,000 miles to reach the Devils Thumb, their last stop is the Tongass National Forest—one of the most biodiverse places in North America.
Wagner writes about how the he worked and studied in Vancouver
AdultsEducationBusinessCulture..."The hospitality program at Canadian College opened doors for my future in the industry. The diploma allowed me to study and gain practical experience, complementing my previous education in Brazil. The faculty and staff were always supportive."
David Blaine: Do Not Attempt | Official First Look | National Geographic
AdultsHistoryTravelWorld...David Blaine: Do Not Attempt is a cinematic journey following magician David Blaine as he chases little-known magic within our world. David is searching for real magic by tracking down incredible people across the globe and learning their closely guarded secrets in order to push his craft to the next level.
Benito The Giraffe
KidsAnimalsEnvironmentHealth...Benito the giraffe went on quite a journey across Mexico, from Central Park in Ciudad Juárez to Africam Safari Park in Puebla.
Animals Up Close
AdultsAnimalsMediaNature...In Animals Up Close, wildlife filmmaker Bertie Gregory travels the world braving extreme environments to reveal the wonders of wildlife in even the most remote of locations. 219 days in the field posed no shortage of challenges for him and his team, but the often unpredictable conditions led to some incredible once-in-a-lifetime animal experiences.