
Primitive Technology: Two Walled Tiled Hut

This video follows a person building a two-walled tiled hut. They start by cutting wood and thatching a roof, then create a tile-making area and kiln. The person then builds the walls of the hut using mud and stone, and finally lays the tiles on the roof.

Tsunami: Race Against Time (Full Episode) | The Big One | National Geographic

A massive earthquake off the Indonesian coast generates a huge tsunami. It makes landfall within minutes. Caught unaware, people fight to survive.

Primitive Technology: A-frame Roof Tile Factory

With the wet season only 2 months away and thatch being an impermanent material, I needed to make more roof tiles for a new hut that will withstand the next deluge.

Does Fallout's "Rule of Thumb" Work?

Is #fallout 's famous Vault Boy actually hiding some accurate nuclear blast survival tactics?

Primitive Technology: Crab and Fish Trap

I made a fish trap from cane and tested it over the course of a year catching various aquatic animals.

Bear Grylls shows Bradley Cooper how to cross a ravine | Running Wild with Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls teaches Bradley Cooper how to cross a ravine. In Running Wild with Bear Grylls, Bear is taking it up a level by teaching his celebrity guests essential survival skills that they'll have to master and then prove they can use in a high stress situation.

Primitive Technology: Undercover Brick Workshop

I built a thatched shelter to make bricks in so that they are protected from the rain before they are fired. Despite it being the dry season, it still rains unpredictably in this climate...

5 Day Build with Fish Pond

About Primitive Survival Tool : We Have 3 People In the wild , Mr Pen Sann : ( Actor ) Mr Sophal : ( Actor ) Mr Kimhout (Camera Man). In this video we going to show you about Build Fish Pond In front of Underground Roof Grass Hobbit House With Simple Tool as full video with very simple tools and skill!

Surviving a Coyote Ambush | Something Bit Me!

In Longmont Colorado Andrew Dickhage is ambushed by a pack of Coyote while walking to work at 4am.

How to Start a Fire in a Survival Situation | Basic Instincts | WIRED

Dr. Bill Schindler, a professor of archeology and anthropology at Washington College, demonstrates a couple of the most effective methods for starting a fire in the wilderness with limited resources.

Can You Survive A Nuclear Blast In A Fridge? DEBUNKED

f you were seconds away from a nuclear blast, where would you hide? Indiana Jones opted for the fridge and survived, but just how safe would it be?

Why Astronauts Were Almost Trapped On The Moon Forever

The Apollo 11 mission to the moon is one of the most intense stories of survival.

How To Survive A Fall From 35,000 Feet!

Anyone can make these classic 4 meals!

How To Survive The First Hour Of A Nuclear Blast

The situation has played out in TV and movies for years, but what should you really do if a nuke detonated near you?

How Do You Survive Being Trapped In Space? ft. William Osman

William Osman and Blocko are trapped on the international space station for this episode of Deblocked! How do you survive trapped in space?

Can You Survive An Elevator Fall By Jumping?

Your monthly dose of hypothetical physics scenarios is here, and today we’re dropping Stu, several times, from the top of skyscraper.

Could You Survive In The Middle Ages?

We explore just how difficult life was back in the Middle Ages!

What Happens When You Freeze To Death?

Good reason to stay inside during this Polar Vortex!

Could You Survive Trapped In A Blizzard?

We are LIFE NOGGIN! An animated and educational web show designed to teach you all about your awesome life and the brain that makes you able to live it!

How To Open Coconuts Without Any Tools

If you're not a coconut cracking ninja from Samoa, then you'll need an easier way to bust coconuts for pleasure, or for survival. This is the easiest and most effective way I've found to do it, when you don't have any tools.

How to survive if you get stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere

What is one supposed to do, if you find yourself in the middle of nowhere? Here are some tips and advice on how to stay alive in the most deserted places.