
Engaging The Invisible Student

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There are a number of factors that might make a student fly under the radar. It's important that the teacher uses classroom management techniques to get to know this student, learn what makes them tick, and understands where they are coming from. It is also important that the teacher not try to change who their student is.

Why Students Don't Do Their Homework -And What You Can Do About It

TeachersTeacher CafeEducationMental Health
Teachers hear a lot of stuff when students don't do their homework. What we don't hear, is the research on how to excuse-proof our classrooms for homework. It seems we are in the dark about engaging students in the homework process. Here are 6 research-backed reasons for why students resist homework- plus tips to help overcome them.

Keeping Your Cool- 10 Ways to Avoid Anger in the ESL Classroom

TeachersMental HealthTeacher CafeEducation
Many of us bring our tendency to become angry and even lose our tempers into our professional environment under certain circumstances. Here are some thoughts on how to keep frustrations and tempers under control during those irritating times in the ESL classroom.

Keep That Bounce: Nurture Your Resilience as a Teacher

TeachersMental HealthTeacher CafeEducation
Let's face it, teaching takes resilience- the ability to "bounce back" from an unanticipated change or disaster. Fostering resilience will help you keep your head up as a new teacher and keep going in the years ahead. The more you nurture your own grit and resilience, the more you'll be able to do the same for your students.

8 Ways to Reignite the Creative Spark When You're Feeling Burned Out

TeachersMental HealthTeacher CafeEducation...
There is nothing that puts a damper on your creativity quite like feeling burned out. For many careers, it can be tough to have to be creative at a moment's notice- especially when you are swamped with other work. Here are eight ways you can get creative when you are feeling burned out.

When Social and Emotional Learning Is Key to College Success

TeachersRelationshipsTeacher CafeEducation...
While test scores can predict academic success, self-management and relationship skills may better prepare students to thrive and graduate.

Brains in Pain Cannot Learn!

TeachersMental HealthTeacher Cafe
What can we do to create calm and safe brain states? When a student in stress becomes angry or shut down, he or she won't hear our words. Here are three ways to calm the stress response- two of them through immediate action, and the third by a brief science lesson.

Stress Reduction Techniques for Teachers (in 10 Minutes or Less)

TeachersMental HealthTeacher Cafe
If you are running on empty; or worse, you don't realize you're running on empty because you haven't checked in with yourself since September, it might be wise to take a few moments to recharge your batteries.

Unlocking the Secret of Student Satisfaction

TeachersMental HealthTeacher Cafe
The publication of the National Student Survey (NSS) results always prompts a renewed interest in aspects of the student experience. This was especially true this year, as the NSS included the first cohort to graduate since the 2012 tuition fee reforms, allowing us to see the impact of higher fees on student satisfaction.

Mistakes I Made As A New Teacher

TeachersTeacher CafeEducationMental Health
Are your students in an environment where they are supported in learning from their mistakes? Learning from mistakes can be a powerful way of helping students learn. But the value in learning mistakes isn't just limited to our students.

Today's Teacher: Educator, Motivator and Therapist

TeachersCultureMental HealthTeacher Cafe...
Family stress, poverty and psychological issues are three factors which are the white elephant in the room for all of us in education. Many of these are seen as huge issues for students but they are not recognized as primary barriers.

Fresh Starts for Hard-to-Like Students

TeachersMental HealthTeacher CafeEducation...
Even though your toughest students are just kids at the mercy of emotions they don't understand or can't control, it can be hard for a teacher to stay calm and not take these ongoing behavioural problems personally. Dr. Allen Mendler's advice: its' time to hit the reset button!

Dealing with Challenging Students

TeachersRelationshipsTeacher CafeEducation...
A quick review of of strategies that can be used to deal with challenging students in the classroom. In the article by Mark Boynton and Christine Boynton you will read about relationship, academic and disciplinary strategies.

The Neuroscience Behind Stress and Learning

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Activities for learning at all ages. Short stories and videos with real questions asked by kids about things everyone wants to know about.

Social and Emotional Learning

TeachersMental HealthSelfTeacher Cafe
Teachers need to follow their own behavioural rules and values in the classroom.

Is Stress in the Classroom Contagious?

TeachersMental HealthTeacher CafeEducation
When teachers feel stressed they may not be the only ones paying the price. Students' stress levels are being elevated as a result of their teacher's exhaustion, and maybe vice versa. A new UBC study has found a strong "stress contagion"- between teacher's occupational stress and student's psychological strain.

Resources for Responding to Trauma and Tragedy

TeachersMental HealthTeacher CafeEducation
Review approaches to support student who have experienced trauma, learn how to help grieving students, and find guidance on coping with violence and disaster.

5 Ways to Unwind From Teaching

TeachersMental HealthSelfTeacher Cafe...
As a teacher being able to unwind after school is very important. Disconnecting from the classroom for at least a few hours is a key to keeping the balance.

Will This Kill Your Brain Cells?

AdultsHealthScienceMental Health
Are you losing brain cells, right now?

How Smart Are You? (TEST)

AdultsHumanMental Health
Are you actually a genius? Test your intelligence.

Are You Smarter Than Average?

Put your intelligence to the test!