Is Cold Water Swimming Good For You?
YouthHumanScienceHealth Cold water swimming has been linked to a range of health benefits – potentially improving brain fog, energy levels and chronic pain, according to researchers.
Why Does Hitting Your Funny Bone Feel...Funny?
YouthBiologyHealthHumanScience... Explore the complex anatomy of the elbow, and find out why hitting your funny bone causes such an odd and painful sensation.
The Unique Bond Between Humans And Dogs
YouthAnimalsHumanRelationshipsPets... Whilst some puppies are in tune with their humans, 18-week-old Willoughby – the miniature schnauzer – has other ideas...
What Is Earwax?
YouthBiologyHumanHealthScience... Explore why earwax forms, its purpose in our health, and whether or not we should be trying to get rid of it.
Why Do We Get Goosebumps?
YouthBiologyHumanScience We've all been there when it gets a bit chilly and you end up with goosebumps. But have you ever wondered why and how we get them?
Why Do Onions Make Us Cry?
YouthFoodHumanScienceHealth... Hayley explains the science behind why onions make us cry, and what we can do to prevent this.
Diving Discovery (Ep. 1): Meet The Team
YouthHumanLifeNatureScienceAdventure... Diving on the British Columbia coast in the winter isn’t just cold, it’s also dangerous. So if we’re going to get the footage we want and get everyone home safely, we need a team that knows what they’re doing.