
Presidential Historian Answers Presidency Questions | Tech Support | WIRED

AdultsEducationHistoryInternet Culture...
Presidential historian and head of the George Washington Presidential Library Lindsay Chervinsky joins WIRED to answer the internet's burning questions about the American Presidency.

We Fell For The Oldest Lie On The Internet

“Your blood vessels stretch a staggering 100,000 kilometers, enough to wrap around Earth twice!" Sounds amazing, right? We spent over a year trying to confirm this claim, and let's just say – things aren't as they seem.

Website Cookies Explained

Website cookies are small pieces of data that track what you do online. So, what are you signing up for when you click to accept cookies?

How Did Minecraft Start?

YouthGamingHistoryInternet Culture
30 years of Minecraft! How did Minecraft evolve?

Computer Skills For Teens: Social Media Etiquette

YouthEducationHow-toSocial Media...
Without our usual visual cues, online interactions can sometimes lead to serious miscommunications. Learn a few tips to avoid this.

Digital Footprints

Learn how to manage your digital footprint and keep your personal data away from prying eyes.

Unlearn junk marketing, build a dynasty | Gary Vaynerchuk for Big Think+

AdultsBusinessInternet CultureMedia...
Gary Vaynerchuk, the entrepreneurial force behind VaynerMedia and VeeFriends, explores the critical missteps businesses make in connecting with their customers, primarily their failure to adapt to consumer needs and their reliance on yesterday’s strategies.

Why Do All YouTube Videos Look Alike?

Many crustaceans from all sorts of starting points evolve to end up looking similar, likely due to outside pressures. That’s sort of like what happens with YouTube videos.

What Is Misinformation?

What types of misinformation might we see online? And why is it out there? KN contributor Aubrie Chan animated this video to help you understand the term better.

Real Or Fake?

YouthHow-toInternet CultureLanguage...
Maggie showed us three types of misinformation you might find on TikTok and tips for spotting them.

YouTube’s Science Scam Crisis

There’s a tsunami of science spam on YouTube. Why does it all look the same? How much harm does it do? Do not watch these low-effort, AI-generated, cash grabs.

Veritasium's Derek Muller Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

Veritasium's Derek Muller answers the web's most searched questions about himself. Where did the name 'Veritasium' come from? Is Veritasium a real element? Where does Derek live? Is he married? What was Veritasium's first video? Derek answers all these questions and much more!

Gary The Cat

Gary the cat is an internet star, made famous by his adventures in Canmore, Alberta.

Fact Versus Fake

KidsHow-toReadingSocial Media...
How can you tell if what you see online is real or not?

Why We All Fall Victim To The Dunning-Kruger Effect

YouthInternet CulturePsychologySociety
In an increasingly polarized world, it seems as if people are becoming more convinced of their own beliefs and less willing to contemplate other points of view.

What Is The World Wide Web?

YouthHistoryTechnologyInternet Culture
The world wide web is used every day by millions of people for everything from checking the weather to sharing cat videos. But what is it exactly?

Why Trees Are Out to Get You

Huge thanks to all the YouTubers who organized this.

160TB Server with Linus! (From Linus Tech Tips)

Linus Tech Tips helps Smarter Every Day with organizing his footage.

What If The Internet Was A Country?

The internet is an incredible (and scary) place! What happens if it becomes a digital country?

My Video Went Viral. Here's Why

AdultsCultureData ScienceHuman...
My hypothesis is that the algorithm, rather than viewer preference, drives views on the site. As the algorithm shifts, various YouTubers experience burnout (as what used to work no longer works) and right now click-through rate is the key metric.

Manipulating the YouTube Algorithm

My first video of a 3 part series on "coordinated inauthentic behavior". Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring this series.