In English, correct spacing is an important part of punctuation. Try not to forget the following rules:

  1. One Space Between Words & Numbers
    • I haven't been paying attention.
    • Are these plastic forks and knives reusable?
    • There are 2 vegetarians in this class.
  2. No Spaces Before Periods, Commas, Question Marks, Exclamation Points, Etc.
    • When I was young, I planted a tree in my garden.
    • Could you unplug my charger for me?
    • Suzanne asked, "Where is the nearest train station?"
  3. One Space After Periods, Commas, Question Marks, Etc.
    • Scientists are studying global warming. Perhaps, they'll find a way to fix the damage we have caused.
    • In 2008, Charles went to Thailand.
    • What are you doing for dinner tonight? Would you like to go to a restaurant with me?

When we use quotation marks, we usually put the period, question mark, or exclamation point inside the quotations without a space:

  • He asked me, "Where are you going?"
  • James shouted, "Stop!"
  • The teacher said, "Humans have been very destructive towards the environment."

Indentation and Spacing of Paragraphs

There are two styles of paragraphs in English. Both ways are acceptable but should not be mixed:

Indented Paragraphs

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