Though we have science to explain why most natural phenomena happen in our world, there is still much beauty and mystery in what happens in nature. One of the best ways to write about beauty is to use a poem.

Today, you will be writing a special kind of poem called a 'two-word poem.' In a two-word poem, you can use any words you like, but you can only use two words for every line. It is fun and easy to do!

Here is an example of a two word poem about this picture.



Yellow, blue
Red, green
Bright sky
Angry clouds
Flashing, loud
Looking out
Shaking inside
Waiting, watching

Look at the following pictures carefully. Choose the one that interests you the most.

Picture 1

sink hole

Picture 2

northern lights

Picture 3


Picture 4


Picture 5


Picture 6



Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.
