In groups of 2, look at these Passive questions. You may need to look on Google to find the answers, or any other English search engine. You can only have one laptop between two people. The first team to answer all the questions correctly in complete passive sentences below, wins!

Write your answers in a complete sentence and the passive voice on exercise 1 of the lesson document.

  1. Who directed the movie ‘Love Actually’?
  2. Where was the movie ‘Life is Beautiful’ filmed?
  3. Who played Harry in Harry Potter?
  4. Where was Lord of the Rings filmed?
  5. Who directed Pirates of The Caribbean (movie #1)?
  6. When was Shakespeare born?
  7. Who wrote Frankenstein?
  8. Who painted the Sistine Chapel?
  9. Who wrote Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone?
  10. Who created the Iphone?
  11. Who discovered America?
  12. Who sang ‘Poker Face’?
  13. Who wrote the Twilight series?
  14. Who first performed ‘Summer of ‘69’?
  15. Who created Facebook?
  16. Who won the 2014 FIFA World Cup?


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.
