
How Engines Work - Smarter Every Day

See Through engine in slow motion.

Electromagnetic Levitation Quadcopter

Spinning magnets near copper sheets create levitation!

Laser Cleaning

High power laser cleaning for rust removal, paint removal, heavy contamination... with the P-Laser QF-1000.

Indestructible Coating?!

Used in everything from bullet-proof vests to the walls of the Pentagon, polyurea's strength comes from its long-chain molecules.

This Device Uses Water To Boost Any Engines Performance

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Bosch WaterBoost uses demineralized water injected directly into the intake port.

First Stage Landing on Droneship

That some incredible precision right there!

How to Build a Trebuchet | MythBusters

What's the secret behind a perfect trebuchet? Adam tinkers with his mini medieval weapon to show us.

DIY CNC Laser Engraver

Watch A Laser Engraver Built From Scratch In This Hypnotic Video

Atlas, The Next Generation

A new version of Atlas, designed to operate outdoors and inside buildings. It is specialized for mobile manipulation. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated. It uses sensors in its body and legs to balance and LIDAR and stereo sensors in its head to avoid obstacles, assess the terrain, help with navigation and manipulate objects. This version of Atlas is about 5' 9" tall (about a head shorter than the DRC Atlas) and weighs 180 lbs.

Why are plane windows round?

We often learn the most from our failures, this is particularly true for advancements in the field of engineering. Unfortunately for the engineers in the aviation industry, the prices to pay for failure are high. This will be a reoccurring theme in my videos, trust me. The flip-side of this unforgiving industry, is that it consistently provides learning opportunities for engineers, because failure is not an option when peoples lives are at risk.

Aircraft with a capsule to save passengers

This Newly Invented Capsule For Aircraft Can Save Passengers During Catastrophe

The Falcon has landed | Recap of Falcon 9 launch and landing

On December 21, 2015, SpaceX's Falcon 9 delivered 11 satellites to low-Earth orbit and landed the first stage of the rocket back on land.

3D-Printed Ceramics | PopMech

HRL Labs hit a break through this year in 3D printed ceramics capable of withstanding extreme temperatures. Learn more now.

How Does A Sailboat Actually Work?

How does a sailboat work? The standard idea is that the wind pushes the sails from behind, causing the boat to move forward. Although this technique is used at times, it is not the most efficient way to sail a boat (and it means the boat can never go faster than the wind). Lift is the key mechanism driving a boat forwards. As air flows over the sails, it moves faster over the outer side, creating lower pressure than on the inner side. This produces a force which is mostly to the side and a bit forwards.

Boeing: Lightest. Metal. Ever.

Microlattice is the lightest metallic structure ever made. At 99.99% air, it's light enough to balance on top of a dandelion, while its structure makes it strong. Strength and record breaking lightness make it a potential metal for future planes and vehicles.

How batteries work

Batteries are a triumph of science-they allow smartphones and other technologies to exist without anchoring us to an infernal tangle of power cables. Yet even the best batteries will diminish daily, slowly losing capacity until they finally die. Why does this happen, and how do our batteries even store so much charge in the first place? Adam Jacobson gives the basics on batteries.

Jetman Dubai : Young Feathers 4K

We mark a new milestone in the chapter of human flight. Join Jetman Yves Rossy and his protege, Jetman Vince Reffet as they explore the limits in the city of dreams.

The Backwards Brain Bicycle

I almost broke my brain with a backwards bicycle for the sake of Science.

The Ingenious Design of the Aluminum Beverage Can

Bill details the engineering choices underlying the design of a beverage can. He explains why it is cylindrical, outlines the manufacturing steps needed to created the can, notes why the can narrows near it lid, show close ups of the double-seam that hold the lid on, and details the complex operation of the tab that opens the can.

Railroad assembly line

Railroad assembly line? That is a seriously incredible machine

Pump Up the Bass to Douse a Blaze

The fire extinguisher uses low-frequency sound waves to douse a blaze. Engineering seniors Viet Tran and Seth Robertson now hold a preliminary patent application for their potentially revolutionizing device.