What If We Have A Nuclear War?
AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyWorld...What would happen if a nuclear weapon was dropped near you?
Do we really need pesticides?
AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyNature...Annually, we shower over 5 billion pounds of pesticides across the Earth to control insects, unwanted weeds, funguses, rodents, and bacteria that may threaten our food supply. But is it worth it, knowing what we do about the associated environmental and public health risks?
These Recycled Plastic Bricks Work Better Than Cement Blocks
AdultsConstructionGlobal WarmingEnvironmentByFusion is taking plastic waste from the ocean and building something wonderful.
AdultsAnimalsFilmGlobal Warming...Come make a difference at the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival, taking place at the Marjorie S. Deane Little Theater in New York City, October 17-24.
This Device Uses Water To Boost Any Engines Performance
AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyGadgets...Bosch WaterBoost uses demineralized water injected directly into the intake port.
How To (Literally) Save Earth
AdultsGlobal WarmingWorldEnvironment...Farming erodes soil 50 times faster than it forms. We can change that, but will we?
Which sunscreen should you choose?
AdultsGlobal WarmingHealthEnvironment...Sunscreen comes in many forms, each with its own impacts on your body and the environment. With so many options, how do you choose which sunscreen is best for you?
Electric Cars Could Wreak Havoc
AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyTransportation...February 24 -- There are more than one billion cars on the road worldwide today, and only one tenth of one percent of them have a plug. OPEC contends that even in the year 2040, EVs will make up just one percent.
This Video Has Consumed 30.1 Household-Days of Electricity!
AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyScienceThe title of this video is changing every 10 seconds to reflect an estimate of the actual energy used just by people (like you!) watching it. Thanks to Jasper Palfree for doing the computer magic that makes that possible!
Tesla Unveils Model 3, Its Most Important Electric Car Yet
AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyTransportation...Elon Musk shows off Tesla's $35,000 sedan for the masses.
Liam - An Innovation Story
AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyTrue innovation means considering what happens to a product at every stage of its life cycle. Liam disassembles your iPhone when it's no longer functioning, so the materials inside can live on.
Edible Cutlery
AdultsEnvironmentGlobal WarmingHealth...India is one of the world's largest consumers of disposable plastic cutlery, which has the makings of a huge health and environmental crisis written all over it.
How do solar panels work?
AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyScience...The Earth intercepts a lot of solar power: 173,000 terawatts. That's 10,000 times more power than the planet's population uses. So is it possible that one day the world could be completely reliant on solar energy? Richard Komp examines how solar panels convert solar energy to electrical energy.
Charger prototype
AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyTransportationCharger prototype finding its way to Model S
How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change
AdultsEnvironmentGlobal WarmingNature"Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's happening to about two-thirds of the world's grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to descend into social chaos. Savory has devoted his life to stopping it.
Should This Lake Exist?
AdultsEnvironmentGlobal WarmingNatureThe Salton Sea is the largest body of water in California, home to the second most diverse group of birds in America and it exists by accident.
The Surprising Places We Waste Energy
AdultsGlobal WarmingScienceTechnologyWe use a LOT of energy, but we waste a lot too. Where that waste happens might surprise, you though. We don't just waste energy when we leave the lights on or the thermostat cranked down too low. It happens at the dinner table and the water faucet as too!
GoPro: Climate Change and the Optimistic Future
AdultsFutureGlobal WarmingNature...Professor Richard Muller, of Berkeley Earth Foundation, discusses his views on climate change and how he hopes we can leave a better planet for our children.
China Builds This 57-Storey Skyscraper In Just 19 Days?
AdultsConstructionGlobal WarmingEngineering...Speed to Reach a Bluer Sky with energy efficiency, material economy, cohesive community. Broad Sustainable Building is a Modular Factory Built Product.