
These companies with no CEO are thriving

Get to know the different kinds of co-ops, how they work, and how they differ from traditional companies.

Financial Advisor Answers Money Questions From Twitter

Kevin L. Matthews II, author and financial educator, answers questions from twitter about money and spending.

How Society Affects Your Health

Society does a lot to improve our health, from sanitation to healthy foods. But society can have negative impacts on our health as well, and whether or not we get the positive impacts or the negative ones, can often come down to social and economic standing.

Can the economy grow forever?

Is infinite economic growth possible on a planet with finite resources? Explore how countries can balance efficiency with sustainability.

Farm That’s Bigger Than 49 Countries

The Single Australian Farm That’s Bigger Than 49 Countries

What's The Best Country To Live In?

Discover the shortcomings of using GDP to measure a country’s well-being, and what alternatives can be used to gauge quality of life.

The true cost of gold - Lyla Latif

Dig into how foreign corporations exploit African nations like Mali for their gold mining, and often rob them of proper compensation.

How To Make Your First Budget (At Any Income)

Here is the second episode of The College Student's Guide To Money! In this episode, Chelsea walks you through everything you need to know to make your first budget, no matter how much money you have coming in.

How Trash Goes From Garbage Cans to Landfills (Every Step Explained) | WIRED

Every day New York City picks up 12,000 tons of refuse and recycling. How does all this trash go from the garbage can to its final destination? Former New York City Sanitation Commissioner Ed Grayson is here to explain.

Why are People Moving to Cities?

ccording to the UN, people living in urban places now outnumber those in rural areas — which is a pretty new phenomenon for many parts of the world.

HISTORY OF IDEAS - Consumerism

It’s only very recently in history that we’ve been able to buy more than the bare necessities.

What is Sustainability

Learn about the various ways that sustainability is defined.

Why Farmers Can’t Legally Replant Their Own Seeds

When farmers purchase a patented seed variety, they sign an agreement that they will not save and replant seeds produced from the seed they buy.

What is a “Developed” Country? Crash Course Geography #40

oday we’re going to discuss what it means for a place to be “developed”. Development is often associated with economic success — that is countries with higher standards of living and material wealth like those found in Europe and North America.

Where Did Fast Food Come From, And Who Invented It?

The fast food industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, which is amazing considering it's less than 100 years old.

Why can’t governments print an unlimited amount of money? - Jonathan Smith

AdultsData ScienceEconomyPolitics...
Explore the economic strategy of quantitative easing, where a central bank purchases bonds in order to boost the economy.

Does It Pay To Cheat?

For some birds, trying to cheat your neighbors into raising your babies is just as much work - and is no more successful - than doing it yourself.

How do investors choose stocks? - Richard Coffin

AdultsData ScienceEconomyPersonal Finance...
Explore the strategies investors use to choose stocks and learn whether it’s better to be an active or passive investor.

The dark history of bananas - John Soluri

Explore the history of the notorious United Fruit Company and how its influence over the banana industry impacted Central America.

Releasing All 2 MILLION US Prisoners - What Happens?

ig bad criminals don't seem so scary behind bars, but what if those bars opened up, and all the criminals were released back into the street?

Overpopulation & Africa

For most of our history, the human population grew slowly. Until new discoveries brought us more food and made us live longer.