Can Paper Cut Wood?
AdultsCreativityTechnologyHow-to...Thought I'd give this a try, just to see what would happen. Kind of gives a new meaning to thin kerf blade!
GoPro: Creating Fire Rain - A Steel Wool Experiment
AdultsPhotographyScienceTechnology...Rob Nelson and Jonas Stenstom from Untamed Science take us through the process of using steel wool and long exposure to create a fire rain photo.
Can You Start a Fire with a Sandwich Bag?
AdultsCreativityLifeNature...Did you know you can start a fire with a ziploc bag, a bit of water, and the power of the sun? Here's how to do it step-by-step.
Holding and Explosion at 20,000 fps
AdultsFilmTechnologyScience...I always thought firing from the center was the best way to do it. Turns out I'm probably wrong.
Pouring Molten salt into Water - Explosion!
AdultsFilmInternet CultureScience...I'm so glad I'm able to watch him do this crazily dangerous experiment at my safe, safe home.
Fire Tornado in Slow Motion
AdultsInternet CultureNatureScience...Gav and Dan combine wind with fire to create a swirling vortex of flames.
Can You Shatter Glass With Your Voice?
AdultsMusicScienceExperimentsPhysics suggests that a voice should be able to break glass. Let's find out...
The Backwards Brain Bicycle
AdultsSportsTransportationEngineering...I almost broke my brain with a backwards bicycle for the sake of Science.
Experiment Shows That All Of Us Are Naturally Altruistic
AdultsHumanPhilosophySociety...Put to work at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, Alan Alda finds out how children will help, and like it, while chimps are less inclined to offer enthusiastic assistance.
Mythbusters Water Torture
AdultsHistoryLifeExperiments...On this episode of mythbusters the team tests out an ancient torture method.
Does Sound Affect Taste?
AdultsFoodScienceExperimentsGreg foot creates an experiment from his kitchen to see if the sounds we listen to can affect the way we taste things.
Which Is Faster: Weaving in Traffic or Staying in One Lane?
AdultsTransportationTVScience...The MythBusters test an old traffic myth that has affected us all. Does weaving in and out of lanes get one to their destination any quicker?
Brian Cox visits the world's biggest vacuum chamber
AdultsPhysicsScienceExperimentsWatch a bowling ball and a feather fall in the giant vacuum chamber. A simple experiment but it's really amazing.
Giant Smoke Rings - Cool Science Experiment
AdultsScienceTVExperiments...Steve and Ellen use a trash can and a fog machine to fire giant vortex smoke rings across the Ellen DeGeneres studio.
Fast Food ADS vs. REALITY Experiment
AdultsFoodVisual DesignExperiments...Fast food generally doesn't look anything like its ads, so YouTuber Greg Benson decided to head to fast food chains to see if they could actually make food look like the pictures. You will be surprised they did so well on the second try.
Mousetrap Chain Reaction in Slow Motion
AdultsFilmInternet CultureExperiments...Gav sets up a chain of 150 mousetraps. Dan sets them off bravely.