How Do Ice Storms Happen?
KidsEnvironmentKids 110Kids 115...CBC Kids News contributor Aerin Murphy explains how ice storms form and what happens when they do.
Where Can We Find Water?
KidsEnvironmentScienceWorld...Today, Jessi and Squeaks learn about all the places we can find water.
Do Your Best
KidsEducationEnvironmentMusicHow can we save the planet? Listen to this song and sing along.
Igneous Rocks Used To Be Liquid!
KidsEnvironmentNatureScience...A new friend Savannah and Sam learn about different kinds of igneous rocks, which form after liquid magma or lava cools into solid rock.
Benito The Giraffe
KidsAnimalsEnvironmentHealth...Benito the giraffe went on quite a journey across Mexico, from Central Park in Ciudad Juárez to Africam Safari Park in Puebla.
Greenhouse Gases Explained
KidsGlobal WarmingScienceWorld...Watch the video to learn about greenhouse gases, how they work and where they come from.
KidsEnvironmentWeatherWorld...If you think it's cold outside where you are, you should try living in the coldest place on Earth: Antarctica! Learn why it's a desert even though it's very cold, and about awesome animals like seals and penguins.
I Choose To Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
KidsBooksGlobal WarmingReading...This book discusses the importance of reducing waste, reusing items and recycling in order to keep our planet clean.
What Is A Platypus?
KidsAnimalsEnvironmentNature...Join Jessi and Squeaks to learn about how amazing platypuses really are!
Cleaning Up An Oil Spill
KidsExperimentsHow-toScience...Immerse yourself in an exciting and educational adventure as we demonstrate how to create a captivating activity that highlights the importance of cleaning up oil spills in the ocean.
I Choose To Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
KidsBooksReadingEnvironment...This book discusses the importance of reducing waste, reusing items and recycling in order to keep our planet clean.
Melting Ice Experiment
KidsExperimentsGlobal WarmingScience...Today, we delve into a crucial aspect of climate change - the melting of ice caps and how they impact sea levels.
Let's Plant A Garden
KidsEnvironmentHow-toNature...As the winter turns to spring, Squeaks and Mr. Brown begin planning the garden they’re going to grow this summer!
Growing Plants Without Soil
KidsEducationExperimentsScience...Today, Squeaks and Mister Brown will learn what plants actually need to grow.
Watch A Seed Sprout
KidsEducationEnvironmentFacts...Squeaks and Mister Brown want to learn all about how the tiny little seeds they'll plant in the ground will grow into vegetables they can eat.
Make A Calendar Of Seeds
KidsEnvironmentNatureScience...Mister Brown and Squeaks have asked their friend Juniper the Earthworm to help them make a seed calendar.
Let's Plant A Garden
KidsEnvironmentNatureScience...As the winter turns to spring, Squeaks and Mr. Brown begin planning the garden they’re going to grow this summer.