
The Legends of El Dorado: City of Gold (Full Episode) | Lost Cities with Albert Lin

National Geographic Explorer and scientist Albert Lin travels to Colombia to learn the truth behind the legends of El Dorado.

Animated Maps: The Five Deeps

In this animated map, we highlight the deepest spots in the briny deep that surrounds us.

Why Korea is Dying Out

Every two years one million Japanese disappear, China’s population will halve by the end of the century, the median age in Italy has reached 48. All around the world birth rates are crashing – Is humanity dying out? What is going on and how bad is it?

How One Line in the Oldest Math Text Hinted at Hidden Universes

A huge thank you to Prof. Geraint Lewis and Dr. Ashmeet Singh for helping us understand the applications of Non-Euclidean geometry in astronomy/cosmology.

Meet Some Quokkas

Our newest additions to the zoo family are the 3 adorable quokkas.

Astronaut Tells The Story Behind Iconic Space Photos | WIRED

ESA Astronaut Tim Peake visits WIRED to have a look back at pivotal moments in the history of human space flight, captured in 8 unforgettable photographs.

What Is The Harvest Festival?

Learn a little about the Harvest Festival and how you can participate.

The Woman Who Saved the World

On her way to winning the 2023 Nobel Prize for her pioneering work on mRNA vaccines, Katalin Karikó lived a life made for the big screen.

The dark history of werewolves - Craig Thomson

Explore how werewolves have evolved in folklore, literature, and pop culture throughout history, and where these stories originated.

The History Of Occa

Join Mel and Occa the Sulphur-crested cockatoo on a stroll around the zoo and learn about all his amazing history.

Ancient Life as Old as the Universe

Life has existed on one planet for about 4 billion years, for all we know. But it might have started right after the Big Bang, when the universe was much stranger and more fantastic than today.

How a young Bill Clinton made waves during his presidential campaign | Rewind the '90s

New to the scene, here's how "Clinton's War Room" revolutionized media management in politics.

Egypt and Other African Civilizations Review Rap

Recap your knowledge of Egypt, Nubia, Ghana, Mali, Zimbabwe, and Axum.

The Man Who Killed Millions and Saved Billions (Clean Version)

A huge thanks to Dan Charles for writing a fantastic biography of Fritz Haber, for taking the time to talk to us about it, and providing valuable feedback.

How Hurricanes Work

In this video, we use easy-to-understand language and fun visuals to show you the science behind hurricanes.

Mesopotamia Review Rap

Recap your knowledge of Mesopotamia!

Can Geometry Be Art?

Watch this film to learn about what geometry and art have in common.

Chernobyl's Radioactive Puppies Need Your Help!

Thirty seven years after the world’s worst nuclear disaster, an incredible population of dogs remains in Chernobyl.

Do mosquitos actually bite some people more than others?

Explore the science of what attracts mosquitos, and find out why mosquitos bite some people more than others.

Ancient Civilizations Review Rap

Recap your knowledge of ancient civilizations!

The WEIRD Way Monkeys Got to America

Many of the greatest biological dispersal events in history likely happened because animals inadvertently traveled across the oceans on floating debris.