
Bedtime Stories: Grumpycorn

Kate Winslet tells the story of a unicorn whose search for inspiration leaves him with a bad case of the grumps.

Fact Versus Fake

KidsHow-toReadingSocial Media...
How can you tell if what you see online is real or not?

The Power of Stories to Build a Kinder World

TeachersLanguageReadingTeacher Cafe...
If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it. Atticus Finch, “To Kill a Mockingbird” (1962)

The most bizarre deep-sea creatures - Infographic

32 of the most bizarre deep-sea creatures discovered so far. Click the image to view full screen.

Can You Trust Kurzgesagt Videos?

AdultsData ScienceMediaReading...
Can you trust our videos? How do we research them nowadays? And what about our older videos?


TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation...
Storybird is a website that allows students to make and read short stories accompanied by beautiful illustrations. The site is easy to use and the great artwork stimulates students' creativity and story-telling skills. Completed stories are easy to share with peers and other classes on any device.

Read Theory

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation
Read Theory is a website offering free online reading exercises to students of all levels, from beginner to GRE, focusing on comprehension and critical thinking. The program encourages students to continue reading and moving up levels with badges and contests. It also allows teachers to sign up an entire class at once and track students' progress and activity on the site.

TED Talk: The joy of lexicography

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation...
Is the beloved paper dictionary doomed to extinction? In this infectiously exuberant talk, leading lexicographer Erin McKean looks at the many ways today's print dictionary is poised for transformation. An oldie but a goodie from TED.

The benefits of Extensive Reading

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation...
Professor Richard Day, Chair and Co-founder of the Extensive Reading Foundation, explains the benefits to language learners of extensive reading.

National Geographic "Listen & Read" Resources

TeachersListeningReadingTeacher Cafe...
National Geographic has several simple non-fiction "Listen & Read" stories, great for language learners to use in class or at home.

6 Fetching News Article Resources for ESL Students Online

TeachersReadingTeacher Cafe
Are your students are taking interest in those popular stories popping up on their social media feeds? If so, give them the knowledge the yearn for with this collection of student focused news resources.

What Does the Next- Generation School Library Look Like?

TeachersFutureReadingTeacher Cafe
What do libraries need to be doing to bring people back through their doors? With so many alternative ways to find information, libraries are now adapting and adding non-traditional elements to expand their offerings.

Mr. Glue Stories- An Interactive and Recordable Story App

TeachersReadingTeacher Cafe
Mr. Glue Stories is an entertaining new story app that allows you to create one-of-a-kind adventures, which can be personalized to include names, artwork and voice. When it is finished, the masterpiece can be saved and then shared with teachers, family and friends.

Timeline Creations: Sutori

TeachersCreativityReadingTeacher Cafe...
Create and explore with your students today. Sutori is a website that allows users to create timelines in visual ways. Teachers can post content, ask questions and elaborate on answers.

Once Upon a Device- Reading Activities

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation...
Often, teachers have to use material that is older than the students, written in archaic language, and that take place in countries and imaginary worlds our learners have no experience with. Activities should help learners visualize and experience these worlds and have a better understanding of the mindset of the characters. Many apps inspire creativity and provide multimedia rich experiences and story creation.

8 Ways to Get Reluctant Readers to Read

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation
Reading is known to have obvious benefits, such as improving vocabulary and increasing the breadth of knowledge that one has. But recent studies have shown other benefits of reading.

How to Use the Google Newspaper Archive

TeachersHistoryReadingTeacher Cafe...
A short YouTube video about the basics of using Google Newspaper Archive for classroom use. Search for local and regional content for your students, classes and lessons.

Literacy Through Photography for English-Language Learners

TeachersPhotographyReadingTeacher Cafe...
Paulo Freier encouraged a broader definition of literacy to include the ability to understand both "the word and the world". Literacy includes reading, writing, listening, speaking and analyzing a wide range of texts that include both print and non-print texts.

14 Weird Words That Literally Contradict themselves

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeLanguage...
Contronyms are words which have two more or less opposite meanings. The word is a contronym; it can mean hit, as in hitting someone, or it can mean miss, as used in baseball.

"Vape" Word of the year 2014

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeLanguage...
Last year it was "selfie" and in 2012 it was "GIF". Oxford University Press have chosen "vape" as this years winner. The word, which the dictionaries's blog defines as both a verb and a noun for the whole category of popular tobacco atomizing devices.

Word Bucket

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation...
Word Bucket is a personal English dictionary, notebook and vocabulary learning game. Students can save all new words to their personal Bucket and learn them through tests and games.