Financial Literacy For Kids: Introduction
YouthHow-toMathEducationFinance... Financial Literacy for Kids provides the basics about needs versus wants, budgeting, credit versus debit, and more.
Bedtime History: Tegla Loroupe
YouthHumanWomenSportsHealthEducation... Learn about Tegla Loroupe, the little girl from Africa who grew up to be a famous marathon runner and an inspiration to her people.
A Lesson In Impermanence: Beavers
YouthAnimalsNatureSelfScienceEducation... An engaging, insightful, and educational video for waking up with a soothing narration guiding us through the role of a beaver in its interconnected, natural habitat.
Bedtime History: Helen Keller
YouthHistoryWomenDisabilityEducation... Learn about Helen Keller's journey to overcome all odds by learning to speak, read, write books, and later tour the world bringing attention to others with similar disabilities.
Bedtime History: Maya Angelou
YouthHistoryPoliticsWomenEducation... Learn about the famous author and poet who helped the Civil Rights Movement and changed the world with her inspiring words and life story.
A Lesson In Impermanence: Fungi
YouthNatureSelfWellnessScienceEducation... With calming narration and soothing nature visuals, we’ll learn about how fungi grows and how mushrooms play an important part in the life cycle of all living things.
VR In The Classroom
YouthEducationTechnology A classroom of kids in Newfoundland investigates the pros and cons of virtual reality as the kids are using technology and it’s making news headlines.
Biography Of King Tut
YouthHistoryWorldEducation In this educational video, we will learn about the life and legacy of one of Egypt's most famous leaders.
Biography of Henry VIII
YouthHistoryEducation In this educational video, we will learn about the life and legacy of one of England's most famous monarchs.
Breath Surfing
YouthSelfWellnessEducation Follow along with Teacher Stephanie's voice in this 4-minute mindfulness practice that centers on breath awareness.
Meteors & Meteor Showers Explained
YouthEducationScienceSpace CBC Kids News explains how these bright streaks of light in the sky come to be, from their origins at the outskirts of our solar system to their final moments in Earth’s orbit.