
Strange News: Chair Races, Pandas, and Robots!

YouthAnimalsArtificial IntelligenceEntertainment...
We've got office chair racing, possibly that largest number of panda statues for you and some humanoid robots that can help around the house.

Can An AI Chatbot Really Be Your Friend?

YouthArtificial IntelligenceRelationshipsTechnology...
Is it possible to have a healthy friendship with an AI chatbot? CBC Kids News contributor Mela Pietropaolo spoke to two experts to find out more.

Happy News

YouthAnimalsArtificial IntelligenceHuman...
De-Graft has this week's Happy News to brighten your week.

What Is A Deepfake?

YouthArtificial IntelligenceTechnologyCybersecurity
Newsround has been investigating what a deepfake is, and what they are used for.

The Singularity: Will AI Outsmart Us All?

YouthArtificial IntelligenceFutureTechnology
The Singularity is a theory that imagines what it would be like if artificial intelligence outsmarts humans.

How AI Art Could Enhance Humanity’s Collective Memory | Refik Anadol | TED

With data as his paintbrush, media artist Refik Anadol trains AI algorithms to visualize the disappearing wonders of nature. He gives a beautiful tour of his recent work -- imagery of artificial coral reefs, flowers, rainforests -- and ponders: Can we use AI to preserve our memories of the fading natural world?

How AI Is Revolutionizing Deep Ocean Research

YouthArtificial IntelligenceNatureTechnology...
With so much of the ocean left unexplored, and a limited number of deep ocean specialists, could AI help scientists to drive major breakthroughs?

What Cake Can Teach Us About AI?

YouthScienceTechnologyArtificial Intelligence...
How is artificial intelligence (AI) a lot like cake?

ChatGPT means the end of homework…or does it?

YouthArtificial IntelligenceFutureWriting...
With the dawn of AI chatbots like ChatGPT, kids may be wondering if the dream of someone doing their homework is becoming a reality.

Fishbowl: An Animated Short

The first robot to pass the Turing Test gets interviewed about his life in this short animation.

How Close Are We To Uploading Our Minds?

Investigate the possibility of scanning the human brain and uploading our minds and consciousness to a digital world.

The Boltzmann Paradox

How do you know you’re a person rather than a just-formed brain full of artificial memories?

Atlas - Partners In Parkour

YouthScienceTechnologyArtificial Intelligence
In this video our humanoid robots demonstrate their whole-body athletics, maintaining its balance through a variety of rapidly changing, high-energy activities.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

YouthHistoryTechnologyArtificial Intelligence
This video on Artificial Intelligence in 5 minutes introduces you to Artificial Intelligence with a fun and simple approach.