The Power of Music
TeachersMusicTeacher CafeEducationWhen students make a major breakthrough in learning, it is music to the teacher's ears. There is nothing more rewarding for a teacher, than seeing their students smile and laugh while they learn. Using music in the classroom is a great way for teachers to achieve success with L2 learners.
7 Baffling Phenomena of the Teaching World
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationHumorMany things about teaching are unexplainable. Who started the trend of wearing rubber bands bracelets? How do senior students fit inside of cabinets? Here are seven more phenomena that continue to mystify teachers every year.
5 Reasons You Should Seek Your OWN Student Feedback
TeachersSelfTeacher CafeEducationAs teacher evaluation system become more complex and intense, many of us ignore the richest source of information about our teaching. And it's right under our noses. If you've never asked students for serious, honest feedback, you're missing something. If you ask the right questions and give students the time and encouragement to supply quality answers, student feedback can benefit you in so many ways.
13 Strategies to Improve Student Classroom Discussions
TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation...As teachers know well, finding and using textual evidence is challenging for students- choosing a solid piece of evidence or creating a clear interpretation can be overwhelming. These 13 teacher and expert-tested strategies will strengthen your students' ability to find and use evidence from any text.
Useful Tips for Teaching Listening Comprehension
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeEducationStudents often have difficulty in listening tasks for a variety of reasons. One of the most common problems for language learners is that they often stop listening if they hear something that they do no know. This is where teaching specific listening strategies can help develop their listening comprehension skills.
30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationHow-toHow do you get your students' attention? Most teachers use silencing methods, such as flicking the lights or ringing a bell. Here are several techniques categorized by grade level.
7 Superb Speaking Activities
TeachersSpeakingTeacher CafeEducation..."All right everyone, pair up!" It's no secret, getting students to work well in pairs can be hard, and it doesn't stop with just having them pair up. It can be tough making sure sure that the students who are actually working are speaking correctly. Here you will find the ultimate guide to perfect pair work.
Edueto - Create Your Own Exercises
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationTechnologyA free and simple to use website for creating your own class exercises. You can create, send and share material with your class. Try it out today!
The Behavior Battle: High and Low Tech Solutions
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationHealthStudent behavior can eat up precious classroom time and for most, they start out strong and dwindle down over time. Strategies are complex and need a lot of dedicated personnel and time. Here are some of the best methods from high tech to low tech teachers are trying today.
Podcast: Teaching Languages, Tips and Techniques
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeEducation...Carla Arena a language educator joins Vicki Davis the @coolcatteacher in a discussion on sharing advice on teaching languages. Do you struggle with students with different learner abilities or levels in one class? - how do you handle this? Carla has some great advice.
Pen Pals in the 21st Century
TeachersTeacher CafeWritingEducation...Pen pals provide an opportunity to break down classroom walls. Whether you connect your class with another state or another country, it serves the same purpose. It gives students the chance to see things outside of their walls. Take advantage of some of the great options available.
Is Stress in the Classroom Contagious?
TeachersMental HealthTeacher CafeEducationWhen teachers feel stressed they may not be the only ones paying the price. Students' stress levels are being elevated as a result of their teacher's exhaustion, and maybe vice versa. A new UBC study has found a strong "stress contagion"- between teacher's occupational stress and student's psychological strain.
The Complete Guide to Snapchat for Teachers and Parents
TeachersTeacher CafeTechnologyEducation...Snapchat is a video messaging and sharing application where users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings and send them to specific recipients. In order to better understand the uses of Snapchat, check out the complete guides for teachers and parents to make the most of the experience.
3 Types of Summer PD That Won't Ruin Your Summer Vacation
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationThe nice thing about summer learning is having choices. Find an opportunity that allows you to further your learning without sacrificing your holiday. There are several experiences that are readily available for all educators.
The Best Sites For Learning About The World's Different Cultures
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationCultureLarry Ferlazzo's list of the best resources online for teaching and discussing cultures in the ESL classroom includes topics such as food, geography, and family. There are some great resources listed for educators to use in lessons.
Blogging With Students
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationSocial MediaA step by step giuide that help teachers set up and learn the process of blogging with your class. The site has several helpful tips and videos to show how to move through each step. Start blogging with your class today!
Conversation Strategy: Asking for a Response
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationLanguageA sample lesson plan for conversation strategy: asking for a response, is a great one to add to your files. This ESL conversation activity is for any age of learner and uses simple dialogue and conversation questions to improve conversation skills.
Three Ways To Avoid The October Slump
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationA quick read to get yourself and your class back on track when you feel that October slump starting to creep into your classroom.
10 Quick-and-Easy Methods For Checking Understanding
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationA huge part of teaching involves determining student levels of understanding. As teachers check for understanding, they are able to formulate, reconfigure and differentiate, so learning outcomes reach their highest potential.
ESL Speaking Activities
TeachersSpeakingTeacher CafeEducation...Build your bank of resources with some free online resources for speaking practice. On this website, they have printables and projectables. Don't forget to upload your own resources to share as well.
The Golden Rules for Engaging Students in Learning Activities
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationResearch suggests that considering the following interrelated elements when designing and implementing learning activities may help increase student engagement behaviorally, emotionally, and cognitively, thereby positively affecting student learning and achievement.