man and woman meeting

A: Whose phone is this?

B: It isn't mine.

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are not pronouns, but they are important to learn before studying Possessive Pronouns below. Possessive Adjectives are used before nouns to identify the owner of something:

  • my + noun
  • your + noun
  • his + noun
  • her + noun
  • its + noun
  • our + noun
  • their + noun

What is your name?

Jeff gave me his phone number.

I can't use my computer because its keyboard is broken.

Our classroom isn't very big.

Of & 's

Possessive adjectives are similar to using 's with nouns to show possession:

  • Jeff's phone number = his phone number
  • My computer's keyboard = its keyboard
  • Jennifer's apartment = her apartment
  • Steve and Pat's teacher = their teacher

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