Academic Word List
- emerging
- synthetic
- recognition
- bacterium
- bacteriologist
- expression
- agrochemical
- lesions
- enhance
- colonize
- strain
- advisory
- initially
- hectares
- insecticide
- nematicide
- herbicide
- biopesticides
- compound
- degrade
- synthetic
- integrated
- yield
- impervious
- conventional
- insertion
Other Vocabulary
- forecast
- insect
- species
- pesticides
- conventional
- pruning
- sprays
- fungus
- fungi
- agricultural
- effectiveness
- arsenal
- pathogens
- weeds
- resistance
- identified
- decade
- specialize
- develop
- rate
Please click the Exercise link to continue and do Exercises 1 and 2.
With your group, discuss predictions you have about the article based on the information you have. Discuss your predicitons and conduct any research together to better prepare you for your reading.
You will now read a text which discusses CRISPR as related to the agriculture industry. As you read, try to take notes on anything that might help you remember the main ideas. Look again at the vocabulary words for this Reading because they will be useful to understand as you read.
CRISPR, microbes and more are joining the war against crop killers. (2017, March 14). Retrieved June 20, 2017, from http://www.bioedonline.org/news/nature-news/crispr-microbes-and-more-are-joining-the-war-against-crop-killers
Please click the Exercise link to continue and do Exercises 3 and 4.
Read the passage again and complete Exercise 5.