old couple

Teacher’s Note

The reading text in this lesson contains multiple examples of the grammar points from Grammar 1-2 (passive voice with two objects). Including:

  • verbs with which either the direct or indirect object can become the subject of the passive verb
    • ...some advice was given to me by a family friend…
    • ..caregivers are given a chance to discuss problems and concerns…
    • When help is offered to you, the best thing you can do…
    • ...when you are offered assistance by a friend or family member, you can…
  • verbs with which only the direct object can become the subject of the passive verb
    • Outside assistance is also suggested to caregivers.

You may wish to use these examples to lead into Grammar 1-2.

Part One: Warm Up

Discuss the following questions with your partner(s).

  1. Describe your oldest family member. What are they like? How have they changed over time?
  2. What do you think it might be like to look after an aging family member? How would it be difficult? How would it be rewarding?

Part Two: Vocabulary 

Open the exercise and follow the instructions.


Part Three: Reading

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