"Ayoreo" by 50fotografias is marked under CC PDM 1.0.

Part One: Warm Up

Discuss the following questions with your partner(s).

  1. Which culture or cultures do you belong to? How would you describe your culture to someone who didn’t know anything about it?
  2. What are some features of your culture? You may talk about its beliefs, customs, or way of living.
  3. Are there people from other cultures in your country? How is their culture similar and/or different to your culture?
  4. Have you ever heard the term Indigenous peoples? Open the link and read a bit about it. What does this term mean? What are some examples of peoples around the world that we would call Indigenous?
  5. What kinds of challenges do you think Indigenous peoples might face in their lives?

Part Two: Vocabulary

Open the exercise and follow the instructions.


Part Three: Reading

You are going to look through the website of an organization called Survival International.

Open the exercise and follow the instructions.


Part Four: Taking it Further

In the section of the website called Tribes & Campaigns, Survival International mentions some of the tribal peoples they are concerned about.

Teacher's Note

If your student is interested in researching or discussing another group, please let them.

It may be especially interesting for them to look at an Indigenous group from their own country.

  1. With your partner(s), choose one group from the list below to research.

    Try to find out as much as you can about the people:

    • Where do they live?
    • What is their history?
    • What are some features of their culture?
    • How do they interact with people outside their tribal group?
    • What challenges do they face?
  2. After learning about those people, share the information with someone from another group. Focus on the similarities and differences between the different groups.
  3. What do you think is the best way to help tribal peoples?
  4. Some people argue that tribal groups should be left alone by the rest of the world. Do you agree? Why or why not? Do you think the people you researched would be better off if they had no contact with the rest of the world?