Part One: Warm Up

Discuss the following questions with your partner(s).

  1. Have you ever attended or seen a protest? What was it about?
  2. Is protest the only way to change society? What other options are there?
  3. What social movements are currently being discussed in your country or in others?
  4. Who is famous in your country for being part of a social movement?

Part Two: Getting Ready to Speak

In this lesson, you will be preparing to give a presentation. Think back to your presentation in Unit 3 and brainstorm the elements of a good presentation with your partner(s). Consider the following topics:

  • structure and organization
  • content to include
  • voice and pronunciation
  • body language
  • communicating with the audience

Now, open exercise #1 and follow the instructions.


In Writing Skills 7-1, you learned that adding information and giving examples are good ways to support your ideas. As well as in writing, this is also true in a presentation.

Open exercise #2 and follow the instructions.


Part Three: Your Turn

Research a person involved in a social movement and give a presentation on them. Be sure to consider all of the points covered in this lesson. Your presentation needs to be approximately 10 minutes long and should be given based on notes, not read.
