Listen to these words and repeat to practice your pronunciation.

it is constructed

the tourism industry

to be exotic

to accommodate



Listen and read along to these sentences.

Tourists need accommodation, or places to stay. There are many choices for tourists around the world. High budget accommodation can include luxury hotels and resorts.

Some hotels have truly spectacular architecture, such as the Paris Las Vegas located in the United States. Hotels around the world are ranked on a system of stars. The best hotels of all have five stars.

Many hotels are located near tropical sandy beaches in places like Dubai or Mexico. Tourists in these locations enjoy sunbathing on exclusive beaches.

Unfortunately, a lot of surrounding wildlife and habitats are destroyed when hotels are constructed. The lives of many endangered animals are threatened by man-made structures, like coastal resorts.

Practice reading those sentences aloud and record your voice or say the sentences out to your class.


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Work with a partner. Follow the instructions in the document.

