We can use other verbs to talk about the future as well.
When we want to talk about things we would like to do in the future you can use ‘plan’.
- I plan to play hockey this afternoon.
- We plan to go to China this summer.
- She plans to study later tonight.
- Peter plans to go to university.
When we want to about things we would like to happen in the future (but have no control over) we can use ‘hope’.
- I hope it snows tomorrow!
- Sally hopes she does well on the test this Thursday.
- We hope you come to our party next weekend.
- She hopes her friend can play soccer this afternoon.
When we want to talk about things in the future we think will happen, we can use ‘expect’.
- I expect the test tomorrow will be difficult.
- She expects that it will rain tomorrow.
- We expect you to be on time tomorrow.
- Bob expects that his mom will be mad.