Asking to repeat

Meminta pengulangan

girls playing
Could / Can you repeat that, please? Bisa tolong diulangi?
Could / can you say that again, please? Bisa tolong diulangi?
Pardon me? Maaf?

Asking about a word

Menanyakan kata.

What's "(the word)" in English? Apa bahasa Inggrisnya " (kata bahasa Indonesia)"?
What does "(the word)" mean? Apa artinya (kata bahasa Inggris)?
How do you say "(the word in your language)" in English? Apa bahasa Inggrisnya " (kata bahasa Indonesia)"?
How do you spell "(the word)"? Bagaimana mengeja "(kata)"?
How do you pronounce "(the word)"? Bagaimana mengucapkan "(kata)"?


Meminta maaf

Excuse me, please. Tolong maafkan saya.
I'm sorry. Maaf.
Sorry I'm late. Maaf, saya terlambat.

Asking for help

Meminta bantuan

I don't understand. Saya tidak mengerti.
Can you help me, please? Bisa bantu saya?
Is this right? Apakah ini benar?
Is this wrong? Apakah ini salah?


Please open the exercise to continue.
