Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Students work in pairs and take turns asking questions presented in the following pages:

  1. Do you agree that laughter is the best medicine?
  2. Have you ever wondered how medicine is made?
  3. What is the most used medicine in the world?
  4. What did older generations do without some of our medicine today?
  1. Have you ever had a side effect taking medicine?
  2. Is there any medicine you are allergic to?
  3. Do you think medicine can weaken your immune system?
  4. Why are children sometimes scared of nurses, dentists, or doctors?
  1. What do you think of herbal medicine?
  2. Can you buy any medicine over the counter in your country, or do you need to go to a pharmacist? 
  3. Do you think medicine is too expensive?
  4. How has medicine changed over the last 100 years?
  1. What did people do 1,000 years ago when they were injured?
  2. Does your country have any "old" medical treatments that you won't find at a hospital?
  3. What is the greatest advancement in medical history?
  4. Do you think medical professionals should experiment new drugs on people?