
Intermediate English with Karim #2

AdultsSmrt LiveWritingLGBTQIA...
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

Intermediate English with Karim #3

AdultsSmrt LiveWritingLGBTQIA...
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

Intermediate English with Karim #1

AdultsSmrt LiveWritingLGBTQIA...
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

Does Everybody Have A Gay Gene?

Is being gay genetic?

Henry Cavill Asks Kids: Batman or Superman?

Henry Cavill asks kids: Who would win in a fight, Batman or Superman? Watch these super-fans-in-training give Superman their (brutally) honest answers, then enter to hang with Henry, Ben Affleck and Jesse Eisenberg at the premiere of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

What It Means To "Be A Man"

We invited men from 5 - 50 (and every age in between) to respond to "be a man." These are their responses.

Cheerleader - Walk off the Earth

Walk off the Earth's One Take "Cheerleader" Cover Is Too Awesome To Be True

How To Pronounce These High-Profile Brand Names

Be it because of a language barrier or just bad planning on the company's part, many people go around mispronouncing high-profile brand names

Clash of Clans' earns $1.5 million a day

AdultsBusinessGamingSoftware Engineering...
"Clash of Clans" is a mobile game that was released for the iPhone in 2012. Since then, it has become the highest grossing game in the app store, grossing over an estimated $1.5 million a day, sparking headlines like, "A Clash Of Clans Addiction Nearly Sank The Royals' Season," and "UFC Stars Hate How Much They're Spending On Clash of Clans."

The Infinite Hotel Paradox

The Infinite Hotel, a thought experiment created by German mathematician David Hilbert, is a hotel with an infinite number of rooms. Easy to comprehend, right? Wrong. What if it's completely booked but one person wants to check in? What about 40? Or an infinitely full bus of people? Jeff Dekofsky solves these heady lodging issues using Hilbert's paradox.