Work with a partner. The following sentences have mistakes. Change the mistakes to fit the correct verb tense.
As we have learned, some idioms act as verbs. Because they are verbs they need to be changed to fit the tense of the sentence. Work with a partner to change the tense of the sentence.

I shake his hand when I met him yesterday.
I shook his hand when I met him yesterday.

I get back to my country after the vacation in paris in 2010.
I got back to my country after the vacation in paris in 2010.

I will caught a cold this winter.
I caught a cold this winter.

I make up my mind yesterday about my university.
I made up my mind yesterday about my university.

I looking out for speeding cars.
I am looking out for speeding cars.

He will got over the flu soon.
He will get over the flu soon.

She have never change her mind about her favorite soccer team.
She has never changed her mind about her favorite soccer team.

They calls off the meeting.
They called off the meeting.
Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.