Arrested Development was a comedy that aired on television from 2003 to 2006. It is a story about the lives of one of the craziest families in the world. *Teachers, it is recommended to do Parts One and Two on one day, and Part Three on another due to the length of the videos.
Part One
Watch and then discuss the following questions with a partner or group:
- What is Michael's job?
- Why is Michael's mother angry?
- What kind of party are people attending on the boat?
- What is special about Michael and Lyndsay's relationship?
- Where do Lyndsay and her husband live?
- What kind of events does Lyndsay hold?
- What is G.O.B's chosen career?
- Why do you think Michael hates his family?

Arrested Development - Part One
Part Two
Open the following exercise and make a copy. Do the exercise while watching Part Two.

Arrested Development - Part Two
Part Three:
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